Husqvarna AB jobb i Jönköping

Hitta lediga jobb hos Husqvarna AB i Jönköping. Välj att läsa mer om ett jobb eller gå vidare och ansök jobbet i Jönköping.

Pro Robotic Service Specialist

Serviceingenjör, elektronik
Läs mer Feb 6
Are you a technical expert with a passion for innovation, problem-solving, and customer service? We’re looking for a Pro Robotic Service Specialist to join our Pro Sales Team – a key role in supporting our professional customers and dealer network with our autonomous turf care products.
About the position
As part of the Pro Sales Organization in Sweden, you will be accelerating our position within the professional green space management market with our robotic business. You and your team make the difference for our customers, by providing mobile technical and service support for the Professional (Pro) autonomous turf care products. You will be expected to support the Husqvarna Pro partner dealer network and Pro end customers. In your role, you need to add value to our customers for being curious, trouble shooting, service minded, solution oriented and for your genuine interest in ensuring great experiences with our products.
Key tasks and Responsibilities
Technical support and servicing of Husqvarna Autonomous turf care products in the field
Technical support to Pro dealer network
Conduct technical and service training
Product surveillance and advanced trouble shooting
Working in an outdoor environment with varying weather conditions
Product demonstration
Training of dealers and end customers in product concept, including RTK GNSS (GPS)
Handling warranty claims
Ability too see the whole picture, as in the solutions we offer to our end customers
Extensive travel within focus area with the possibility of overnight stays in hotels
Some foreign travel may be required for training purposes.
Close collaboration with Husqvarna business functions, Pro partner dealer network and Pro end customers

Electrical engineering experience and\or qualification with a minimum of 5 years of working experience within products and services
Full clean driving license in your country, for driving VAN inclusive
Proficiency in Microsoft Office
Solid understanding of sales and after sales customer experience
Willingness to work in a demanding and customer focused environment
Proficiency in both Swedish and English are required
Existing experience of conducting training would be advantageous
Existing experience of Robotic mowers would be advantageous

About you
You are extroverted with strong interpersonal skills, know how to approach customers with a positive mindset even in situations of problems to be solved, you are a self-motivated and result driven person. You are a logical thinker, technology focused, with a strong attention to detail and a natural curiosity and wiliness to solve issues. As the aftermarket expert in our organization, you are key to future success, with our customers.
Location: Huskvarna, although we are flexible with your location as you will be sharing responsibilities with colleagues across the region.
What happens now?
Once we receive your application, we will review it carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. In preparation for the interview you will receive information about the arrangement as well as other steps in the process, such as additional interviews, assessments, references and introduction. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled. Please note that we do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position please contact Hiring Manager Magnus Sandberg ??
For information about the recruitment process, please contact; Recruiter Johan Odelfelt, ?

Does this sound like your next career move? Apply today and join us in shaping the future of professional sales at Husqvarna!

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Installatör - Husqvarna Concept Store

Installationstekniker, industrimaskiner
Läs mer Feb 5
Är du tekniskt intresserad och trivs med att jobba självständigt? Tycker du dessutom om att få växla mellan arbete inomhus och utomhus? Då är detta tjänsten för dig!
Vi på Husqvarnas Conceptbutik i Barkarby letar nu efter en driven installatör till vårt härliga team.
Om tjänsten
Som installatör hos oss kommer du att ha en bred uppsättning av arbetsuppgifter som varierar beroende på säsong. Du kommer att ansvara för hela kedjan av robotarna vilket innebär allt ifrån utkörning och igångsättning av produkterna innan säsong, till upphämtning och vintersäkring av robotarna vid säsongens slut. Genom systemet Pyramid ansvarar du för att robotarna sedan blir inskrivna i servicekön och hamnar i rätt kategori. På sommaren kommer du ansvara för bokning av installationstider för att sedan utföra dessa och säkerställa att installationen håller Husqvarnas standard och även utföra en enklare uppstartsutbildning tillsammans med kunden för att säkerställa att kunden känner sig trygg och är nöjd med sin nya robot. Vintermånaderna arbetar du in house med service och förebyggande arbete. Detta kräver att du är en person som trivs med omväxlande arbetsuppgifter och tycker om möjligheten att jobba både inne och ute.
Du kommer att bli erbjuden utbildning av Husqvarnas bästa tekniker för att ge dig de bästa förutsättningarna för att bli riktigt bra. Vi erbjuder stora utvecklingsmöjligheter och vill bygga den här rollen tillsammans med dig!
Om dig
Som person är du självständig och trivs med att ta egna initiativ. Du motiveras av att ge god service och arbeta lösningsorienterat. För att trivas i den här rollen ser vi att du har ett stort tekniskt intresse, är nyfiken och redo för att lära dig mycket mer. Vi är ett prestigelöst team, med högt i tak där alla välkomnas. Vi ser styrkan i olikheter och lägger stor vikt vid att alla bidrar med god stämning och bidrar till en positiv företagskultur. Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift samt B-körkort är ett krav.
Redo att ta steget? Så här ser processen ut!
Vamt välkommen med din ansökan! I denna rekrytering tillämpar vi löpande urval, vilket innebär att vi kontinuerligt granskar ansökningar för att se hur väl profiler matchar kraven för den specifika tjänsten. Om vi ser dig som en potentiell kandidat kommer vi att höra av oss, och vid det tillfället informera dig om intervjuprocessen och andra steg som eventuella tester och referenskontroller. Om du inte går vidare i processen kommer du att informeras senast när tjänsten har tillsatts. Observera att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan angivet sista ansökningsdatum.
För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta rekryterare Johan Odelfelt,
För frågor angående tjänsten, vänligen kontakta rekryterande chef Robert Rosengren,
Är du intresserad av den här rollen? Återkom med din ansökan så snart som möjligt, och tveka inte att höra av dig till oss om du har några frågor. Vi ses!

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PLM Process Manager Husqvarna Forest & Garden

Läs mer Feb 5
Joining our team as a PLM Process Manager offers you the opportunity to take leadership for our PLM system and related processes within Husqvarna Forest & Garden division. You will be part of a global network focused on the implementation and maintenance of our PLM system and drive our business units specific needs.
At Husqvarna Forest & Garden we strive to have a work environment that is inclusive and diverse, where we believe that our differences are our strengths. Our winning culture is important to us, which is why we go by the beliefs: We are Bold, We are Dedicated and We Care.
About the role:
As PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Process Manager Forest & Garden you will be responsible for managing the planning, implementation, and maintenance of PLM systems and processes within Forest & Garden division to ensure the efficient and effective management of product information.
Initially, your primary responsibility will be to take lead for Husqvarna Forest & Garden in a global program to implement Siemens Teamcenter as our new global PLM system. You will there be accountable for executing the business implementation of the PLM solution within the Husqvarna Forest & Garden division, adhering to the agreed standard plan, and drive Husqvarna Forest & Garden Division needs and requirements toward the program.
You will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including engineering, compliance, manufacturing, and supply chain, to ensure that product data is accurate, accessible, and aligned with the company's strategic goals.
Location: This position is based in our office at the Huskvarna site. Within Husqvarna, we apply a hybrid work model with up to 50% remote.
A university degree in Engineering, Product Management, Business Administration, or a related field.
Proficiency in data analysis, with the ability to leverage insights to enhance product performance.
Proven experience in managing and optimizing PLM systems (e.g., Siemens Teamcenter, PTC Windchill, Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle).
Excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal.

About You:
You thrive in an international environment and have extensive experience working with product lifecycle management and product development or engineering management.
Furthermore, you are experienced in leading teams, either as a line manager or in a role with high visibility and impact within the organization. You are familiar with product development processes, including design, engineering, and manufacturing.
We also see that you possess strong organizational and project management skills, with an analytical, problem-solving mindset and an eye for detail.
Your application
Does this sound like the opportunity you been waiting for? We look forward to welcoming you to our team! Don't hesitate to apply as soon as possible. We do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position please contact Hiring Manager Anna Envall, Manager Process Development, Global Core PMO & PD, Husqvarna Forest& Garden
For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Talent Acquisition partner Gorjana Dubovina,

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Verktygstekniker Husqvarna Chain

Läs mer Jan 30
Om rollen
Som verktygstekniker kommer du att säkerställa att fabrikens stansverktyg håller rätt kvalitet och effektivitet. Du kommer ansvara för förberedelse och utförande av service samt analysera fabrikens pressverktyg för att säkerställa att de tillverkade delarna möter de målsättningar och krav som ställs. Du medverkar även i arbetet för att förbättra fabrikens produktivitet, effektivitet och kostnader gällande verktyg. Arbetet kommer innefatta allt ifrån finmotoriskt arbete, montering och demontering av verktyg till rapportering och dokumentation av underhållsinsatser. Du kommer att arbeta självständigt i en mångsidig roll med ett trevligt team som alltid är nära till hands när det behövs. Rollen är skiftgående.
Exempel på huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Stort fokus kommer att ligga kring kvalitet och ständiga förbättringar i ett starkt team.
Utföra regelbunden service på verktyg.
Diagnostisera och lösa tekniska problem med verktygen.
Delta i förbättringsarbete tillsammans med teknik.
Samarbeta med produktionsteamet för att identifiera och lösa problem i det dagliga.

Om dig
För att lyckas i den här rollen så ser vi att du har en verkstadsteknisk utbildning eller motsvarande kunskap förvärvad genom yrkeserfarenhet. Du är en kvalitetsmedveten person som på ett strukturerat sätt alltid jobbar noggrant och proaktivt för att förbättra processer. Du kommer tillsammans med produktionsteknikerna säkerställa att våra tekniska kravspecifikationer upprätthålls vilket ställer krav på samarbete och god kommunikation. Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift är ett krav.
Meriterande för tjänsten är:
Tidigare arbete som verktygstekniker, servicetekniker eller liknande roll.
Stark förmåga att analysera och åtgärda tekniska problem i verktyg.
Kunskap om tillverkningsprocesser och hur verktyg och maskiner används inom produktion.
Starka färdigheter i att läsa och förstå tekniska ritningar och specifikationer.

Vilka personliga egenskaper är viktiga?
Som person är du noggrann, kvalitetsmedveten, lösningsorienterad och tekniskt intresserad. Du är självklart duktig på att samarbeta och har god simultankapacitet. Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper! Tillsammans ska vi skapa en avdelning i världsklass!
Din ansökan:
Välkommen med din ansökan i form av CV och ett personligt brev. Med hänsyn till GDPR tar vi ej emot ansökningar via mejl Vid frågor kring tjänsten, var god kontakta rekryterande chef Tim Demi
Vid frågor om rekryteringsprocessen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Johan Odelfelt
Vad händer efter din ansökan??
I denna process tillämpar vi löpande urval vilket innebär att vi fortlöpande går igenom ansökningar. Ser vi dig som en potentiell kandidat kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester, referenstagning och introduktion. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när tjänsten är tillsatt.
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan, och tveka inte att höra av dig till oss om du har några frågor!

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Senior full-stack utvecklare till Husqvarna Robotics Tools

Läs mer Jan 31
Senior full-stack utvecklare till Husqvarna Robotics Tools
Välkommen till ett av världens äldsta startup-bolag! På Husqvarna har vi passion för innovation med den skapar vi nya lösningar för att förbättra stads- och grönområden, som skall används och älskas av många. Genom att ständigt utmana oss själva har vi fortsatt att utveckla och omforma vår verksamhet. Vi har verkat i över tre århundraden och vår innovativa kultur är något vi, tillsammans, skapar varje dag.
Om Robotics Tools
På Robotics Tools utvecklar vi SW verktyg till R&D organisation på Husqvarna Robotics. Vi utvecklar vissa SW verktyg till produktion av Automower samt tillhörande testscript. Robotics Tools utvecklar också produkter för att stötta Husqvarnas servicebolag och återförsäljare till våra Automowers.
Vi på Robotics Tools jobbar SCRUM-baserat och har mycket interaktion med våra stakeholder samt med övriga utvecklingsteam på Husqvarna. Tools teamet har stora friheter att bestämmer över vilken teknik som är bäst att använda för våra uppgifter och vi strävar efter att använda den senaste teknologin. Inom Robotics Tools arbetar vi i hela produktcykeln, från design och implementation till test och verifiering. Vi tar fram nya produkter samt att vi underhåller redan levererade.
Om rollen
Vi söker dig som har en högskole- eller civilingenjörsutbildning med inriktning mot C# och .NET med 5 års erfarenhet eller mer. Du har brett tekniskt intresse med fokus på mjukvara och det är meriterande med av produktion. Du kommer att jobba nära produktionen av Husqvarnas Automowers och vara länken mellan R&D och produktion.
Minst 5 års erfarenhet av Full-stack utveckling i .NET
.NET backend (ASP.NET Core, Blazor)
Azure molntjänster och Azure infrastruktur
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både tal och skrift

Meriterande erfarenheter:
Automatiserade enhetstester
iOS- och Android-utveckling
Agila arbetsmetoder
Embedded utveckling

Vill du vara en del av ett innovativt team på Robotics Tools?
Vi söker en lagspelare som trivs i en miljö där samarbete och flexibilitet är nyckeln till framgång. Hos oss får du möjligheten att ta initiativ, driva utvecklingen framåt och dela med dig av din expertis. Vi värdesätter personer som inte bara är självgående utan också inspirerar och stöttar sina kollegor – gärna i en mentor- eller ledarroll.
Placeringsort och resor
Arbetsorten är Huskvarna, vi är på plats minst 3 dagar i veckan och vi erbjuder även viss möjlighet till hybridarbete för att underlätta en flexibel arbetsmiljö. I denna tjänst ingår även 4-5 resor per år till våra produktionssiter i England och Tjeckien, resorna varar ca 1 vecka.
Välkommen med din ansökan i form av ett personligt brev och CV. Vi tar ej emot ansökningar via e-mejl på grund av GDPR. Intervjuer sker löpande och vi ber dig därför att skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt.
För specifik info om tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Maria Kihlbaum på . För frågor kring rekryteringsprocessen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Gorjana Dubovina,

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Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Lead for Husqvarna Group

Läs mer Jan 29
Job title: Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Lead for Husqvarna Group.
Welcome to Husqvarna and a world of innovations. Where future technology and development meet manufacturing in our fantastic factories. Every day, around 3000 people meet and work together at our sites in Sweden. As our HSE lead is retiring, we are now looking for someone to take over the work and continue ensuring that Husqvarna is a safe and secure workplace.?
Join our team as HSE Lead and play a vital role in ensuring and developing our safe and healthy work environment at Husqvarna Sweden.
You will design and implement standardized health, safety, and environmental policies to uphold exceptional standards across all locations in Sweden. Your responsibilities will include conducting regular site assessments and audits to ensure compliance with both national regulations and internal guidelines. Proactively identifying potential hazards and introducing tailored preventive measures will be critical to fostering a safe and secure work environment.
A key aspect of your role will be organizing and overseeing safety training programs customized to meet the specific needs of each site. Your efforts will ensure that employees at all locations are well-versed in and consistently follow safety protocols. In the event of risk observations or near-misses, you will conduct thorough investigations, prepare detailed reports, and develop actionable plans to prevent recurrence, while ensuring their effective implementation. Additionally, you will stay current with health, safety, and environmental regulations to guarantee compliance across all sites, and closely monitor inspections and audits conducted by regulatory authorities. Fostering a culture of health, safety, and well-being will be a core aspect of your mission. By implementing initiatives such as ergonomic enhancements and wellness programs, you will create an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and safe.
Encouraging the proactive reporting of hazards and unsafe practices will further strengthen this culture and drive continuous improvement. Tracking incident reports and managing workplace environment statistics will allow you to gather and analyze safety data, uncovering trends and pinpointing areas for improvement. This insight will guide updates to policies and identify training needs, driving continuous enhancements to our work environment.
Collaboration will be central to your success in this role. You will partner with HR People Partners on strategic workplace and rehabilitation initiatives, while also working closely with external authorities to ensure full legal compliance. As a member of the management team for the Shared Service Center Sweden, you will report directly to the People & Organization Director for SSC, with a dotted reporting line to the Group VP of EH&S.
Your role will involve close collaboration with the Group HSE community, work environment committees, managers, and colleagues within P&O as part of your daily responsibilities.
Your background
We are seeking a candidate with a university degree in work environment studies or equivalent experience that we deem comparable. You should also have several years of experience working in the field of workplace environment, ideally with both tactical and operational responsibilities. Experience working in a larger organization and familiarity with HSE practices in the Nordic and Baltic regions would be considered a strong advantage.
Your personal qualities are highly valued. You are a structured and driven professional with a deep commitment to advancing workplace environment standards. Your communicative approach and ability to build strong relationships, both internally and externally, will be key to your success in this role. Known for your supportive and collaborative work style, you are appreciated as a team player and a trusted partner.
As a development-oriented individual, you have a proven track record of driving and leading business improvement initiatives. Your ability to communicate fluently and clearly, both orally and in writing, in Swedish and English ensures effective collaboration across all levels and contexts.
Who Are We?
Welcome to the vibrant core of Husqvarna Group—our Shared Service Center (SSC) Sweden. As an HSE Lead, you'll be joining a dynamic team that includes HR People Partners, Talen & Aqusitions Partners, Learning, and the Compensation & Benefits team. Here at SSC, collaboration isn’t just a buzzword; it’s our way of life. You’ll engage in various cross-functional tasks, working closely with us and the wider Husqvarna community.
We pride ourselves on being a competent team that not only excels in our roles but also loves to develop each other. Our culture thrives on mutual support, inspiration, and, importantly, having a lot of fun together.
More information
We apply a hybrid working model, offering flexibility and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Our team spans across Sweden and extends into the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Location: Huskvarna or other locations in Sweden, for example Stockholm, Göteborg or Malmö. However, you need to be able to travel to the Huskvarna site on a regularly basis, and also travel across Sweden, the Nordic, and Baltic countries.
For more information about the position, contact recruiting manager Jenny Sundhall at . For questions about the recruitment process, contact the recruiter at .

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Backend Developer to Husqvarna Robotics

Läs mer Feb 4
Backend Developer to Husqvarna Robotics
Some of our colleagues have them under the crib bed. Others on their desktop. Or, as a footstool, at home in their apartment. Then there are those, who actually have them in their garden.
Of course we are talking about the Automower®.
The robot that can sing "Happy Birthday" - and cut grass. At a millimeter level, actually. Did we mention that some of them have GPS-assisted navigation? That it’s controlled via app and that it can be voice activated? It even predicts the weather conditions, to choose that perfect mowing time.
*Fun fact: For that, one of them was selected as a special mention in TIME's Best Inventions of 2022.
“At Automower Connect (AMC), we embrace the challenge of tackling the untamed. We delve into complex conundrums and pioneer innovative solutions to problems previously unsolved. Our approach is distinctive, and our solutions are our own, as we take full ownership and responsibility for the decisions we make. Instead of being burdened with a hefty list of demands, our product managers simply state their desired outcome: ‘We want a function that operates like this.’ And it's our mission to bring that vision to life.” That's how Mia, team manager of the AMC tribe, portrays her and her colleagues' daily work.
Are you an experienced Native App Backend Developer looking to take your skills to the next level? Mia are now looking to expand her tribe with more skilled co-workers.
We are looking for someone who is passionate about Java, DevOps, .Net, C#, Unit testing, Code Review, Docker, TypeScript, AWS, Postgre, ElasticSearch, Cloudformation, Infrastructure as a Code (laC), TDD (Test Driven Development) and CI/CD. Is this something for you? Great, keep reading and we'll tell you more.
We value collaboration and teamwork at AMC and strive to create a positive and productive work environment. Our developers are not just given a task and left to code but are involved in breaking down the task and working with colleagues to make it happen. We hold chapter sync meetings to discuss new ideas and to make sure that we are not repeating the same mistakes in other departments.
We are always open to new technologies and are not afraid to test new things. Our developers work with cutting-grass (pun intended) technologies such as iOS, Android, Kotlin, Java, and Typescript. We are trusted to take up new challenges and to make sure that our projects are stable and in good shape.
Join our team and be part of a company that values creativity, collaboration and teamwork. Apply now and take the next step in your career with AMC - Residential Robotics.
The position is based in Huskvarna.
If you are passionate about optimizing processes and building strong partnerships, we look forward to hearing from you! Please send your application, including a CV and personal letter. Applications will be reviewed continuously, and the recruitment process will close once the right candidate is found.
For more information about the position, please contact Mia-Berentje Land . For more information about the recruitment process, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner Kristin Sundlo at .
When we have received your application, we will review it carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. In preparation for the interview, you will receive information about the arrangement as well as other steps in the process, such as second interviews, assessments and references. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
Husqvarna Group is a world-leading manufacturer of innovative products and solutions for forestry, park, and garden care. Our product range includes chainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawnmowers, and riding mowers. The group is also a leader in Europe in garden irrigation and a world leader in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries.

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Product Marketing Communicator Focused on Chainsaws

Läs mer Jan 28
Product Marketing Communicator Focused on Chainsaws
We are seeking a skilled and passionate Product Marketing Communicator to join our team. In this role, you will focus on professional chainsaws and their target audiences as part of the Communication and Content team. This team develops and executes 360° marketing communication plans and produces assets across all touchpoints. In this key role, you will strengthen our offering through excellent product communication.
As a Product Marketing Communicator, you will:
Develop high-quality product communication assets, including text, films, images, and graphics, ensuring all materials align with customer benefits and channel needs.
Work closely with Product Management to translate complex technical features into clear, benefit-driven messaging tailored to the target audience.
Coordinate and execute studio and outdoor photo/film productions for products.
Ensure relevant and accurate content is maintained in PDM, DAM and other digital platforms.
Proofread and ensure benefit-driven communication in printed material, digital channels, press releases, presentations and training material.
Analyse content needs and ensure excellence in product communication across the existing product range.
Participate in and contribute to customer-facing activities such as events and meetings with our ambassadors.

What we’re looking for:
We’re looking for a creative, detail-oriented communicator with a solid background in marketing and several years of experience in communication roles. You likely have a degree in Communication Science or a similar field and excel at creating engaging content. A technical interest and curiosity about how products work is important, as you will need to understand and communicate the benefits of the products.
Key qualities:
Strong organisational skills combined with creativity and an innovative mindset.
A collaborative approach and the ability to build strong relationships across teams.
Experience with PDM, DAM, and other digital platforms.
Fluency in spoken and written English
Driving license is required.

Huskvarna. In the office 50% of the time, with the remaining time being flexible. Occasional travels occur in Sweden as well as internationally.
Your application
Can you envision yourself being?a part?of this?great team? If so, apply as soon as possible, since we are reviewing applications ongoing. We do not accept applications via mail due to GDPR. For more questions regarding the position please contact,?or information about the recruitment process, please contact?
When?we?have?received?your?application,?we?will?review?it?carefully?to?see?if?your?profile?matches?the?requirements?of?the?vacant?position. If?we?believe?you?are?a potential?candidate?for the?role,?you?will?be?invited?for an initial?interview. In preparation for the?interview?you?will?receive?information?about?the arrangement as?well?as?other?steps in the process,?such?as second?interviews,?assessments,?references?and?introduction. If?you?aren’t?chosen to?proceed?in the process,?you?will?be?informed?of?this?at the?latest?when?the position has?been?filled.
Husqvarna Group is a world-leading manufacturer of innovative products and solutions for forestry, park, and garden care. Our product range includes chainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawnmowers, and riding mowers. The group is also a leader in Europe in garden irrigation and a world leader in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries.

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Supplier Quality Engineer

SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
Läs mer Jan 13
Welcome to one of the world's oldest Start-ups! With over 330 years of innovation and passion, Husqvarna provides professionals and consumers with forest, park, lawn and garden products. We let high performance meet usability and safety, making our customers ready to get the job done efficiently. We offer a wide and growing range of products and accessories, including everything from chainsaws and trimmers to innovative robotic lawn mowers.

Your Future Challenge
Our customers have the highest quality expectation on Husqvarna products. The quality mindset is therefore key within Husqvarna organization as well as within the supplier base. The challenge for the Sourcing organization is to secure this mindset in the supplier base and to assure robust quality performance from all suppliers delivering into Husqvarna plants worldwide.

Your Team
The SQE will work within the Supplier Quality Assurance team (SQA), which belongs to Sourcing within Husqvarna Forest & Garden Division. The team consists of several members who are located in Sweden and other countries. The team is also working closely together with other SQA teams globally. Key focus for the department is to protect its customers, both end user and factories, from poor quality caused by suppliers. Key is also to develop and improve suppliers quality performance.

Your Role
The SQE is responsible for supplier quality assurance and development. The SQE is mainly working to prevent supplier issues on supplier site by developing supplier quality performance. Supplier Audits, Supplier quality development, problem solving (8D), quality assurance by APQP/PPAP are all parts of the daily work and is done in close cooperation with R&D, PPAP department, Project sourcing, Project management etc. The position means constant contact and interaction with internal and external stakeholders and frequent traveling to supplier sites is part of the job.

Your Background, Skills and Experience
In order to succeed in this position you are a person who takes ownership of your projects and have the ability to drive yourself and your surroundings to great results. You have a strong team mindset, thriving in collaboration within your own team as well as in cross-functional settings, both internally and externally. You possess excellent communication skills in English. As an individual, you are an excellent planner & organizer and your mindset is always to work fact based and data driven.
We believe that you have extensive experience from similar SQE positions and a university degree in engineering or other relevant discipline. Knowledge in different mechanical areas is required and knowledge of electric motors and the manufacturing processes is a merit.

Selection takes place continuously, so do not hesitate to send in your application as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the position please contact Hiring manager, Sten Nilsson,
If you have any questions about the recruitment process contact Recruiter Johan Odelfelt,

What happens after you have applied?
We will review your application carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.

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Materials Engineer

Läs mer Jan 27
We are now looking for a Materials Engineer for Husqvarna's Materials Laboratory.
As a materials engineer, you will work with materials-related issues with associated investigations. You will handle material-related issues regarding both components and materials together with materials specialists and testing engineers in different areas of the materials lab. The laboratory's role is cross-functional and we test and verify according to standards, internal requirements and "freehand solutions", i.e.; solve a specific issue from the client.
We also carry out investigations into standards and regulatory requirements, as well as how these should be applied and interpreted within the Husqvarna division.
The work involves a large part of practical sample handling where you are then responsible for documenting the tests and investigations you have performed.
Your role as a materials engineer will be varied and examples of tasks included in the role are the following:
Development of testing strategies
Sample preparation
Writing reports
Breakdown and root cause investigations

The types of assignments range in many areas of materials engineering, such as; steel, magnesium, aluminum, etc.
Your profile and background:
Civil or Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a focus on materials/foundry technology or equivalent.
Minimum 2-5 years of experience in doing material engineering tests.
Experience with sample equipment such as SEM, OES, XRF, hardness measurement and general microscopy.

Experience in the following areas is meritorious:
Steel, magnesium, aluminum.
Surface treatment of metallic materials, heat treatment and varnishes.
Manufacturing processes (industry experience).

As a person, you are thorough, analytical and structured, you are a problem solver who is good at finding ways to investigate material related questions. Furthermore, you are a social person who can work both in groups and independently. You are also a person who thrives in an environment with varying tasks where you get to mix theory with practice.
Does this sound like an interesting role that you would like to know more about? Welcome with your application or contact us if you have any questions about the position at
What Happens After You Apply? In this process, we continuously evaluate applications. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you are not selected to proceed further, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
About Husqvarna Group
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Mechanical Design Engineer Pro robotics R&D

Utvecklingsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Jan 27
Inom vår avdelning, Pro Robotics R&D, har vi ambition att leverera högkvalitativa och innovativa produkter och lösningar inom proffssegment av robotklippare. Det är en utveckling som vi idag i allra högsta grad driver och där vi kommer att fortsätta att göra stora satsningar inom. Allt för att förbättra upplevelsen för våra kunder! Vi behöver stärka mekanikteamet ytterligare och söker därför en erfaren mekanikkonstruktör.
Vad vi kan erbjuda dig
I rollen som Mechanical Design Engineer tillhör du mekanikteamet inom Pro Robotics R&D. Mekanikteamet består idag av ca 15 medarbetare med kompetenser inom konstruktion, teknisk projektledning och geometrisäkring. Inom PRO Robotics R&D är vi ca 85 medarbetare och utvecklar allt från mekanik, elektronik, mjukvara till digitala lösningar. Du kommer att arbeta med kollegor som alla brinner för tekniken och arbetet med att skapa produkter som överträffar våra kunders förväntningar.
Du kommer att tillhöra ett spännande affärsområde som är under stark tillväxt. Du kommer dessutom att verka i en global kontext med många kontaktytor inom ett bolag som erbjuder stora möjligheter till personlig utveckling.
Vad du ska göra
I rollen som Mechanical Design Engineer kommer du att ingå i olika utvecklingsprojekt inom segmentet professionella robotgräsklippare. Du driver dina ärenden från koncept till produktion och bistår även i produktvårdsärenden för produkter i produktion. Vi lägger stor vikt på personligt ledarskap, engagemang och ansvar med fokus på leverans utifrån plan. Arbetet innebär mycket tvärfunktionellt samarbete, både inom R&D Pro Robotic men även med andra specialistfunktioner och intressenter.
Vem du är
För att du ska vara framgångsrik i den här rollen tror vi att du är en strukturerad och målinriktad person som ser värdet- och nyttan av att arbeta tillsammans.
Examen inom mekanik eller mekatronik.
Minst 5 års arbetslivserfarenhet av produktutveckling.
Du har ett personligt ledarskap att driva dina ärenden från start till mål.
Ett brinnande intresse för teknik och ett engagemang att sätta sig in i ny teknologi.
God kommunikativ förmåga
Det är önskvärt att du har arbetat inom konstruktion av formbundna detaljer.
Erfarenhet av CAD-systemet Catia är meriterande.

Placering är på vårt kontor i Huskvarna
Din ansökan
Kan du se dig själv i den här rollen? Om så är fallet, tveka inte att skicka in din ansökan i form av ett CV till oss. I den här rekryteringen tillämpar vi ett löpande urval så rekryteringen kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag har passerat.
För mer information om rollen vänligen kontakta rekryterande chef:
Martin Elonsson

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Senior Battery Project Manager

Läs mer Jan 17
Welcome to one of the world's oldest start-ups!
Husqvarna boasts of a rich heritage that fuels its innovative future. For over three centuries, Husqvarna has thrived by constantly challenging itself and evolving its business. Would you like to become part of this legacy?
We are looking for a talented individual to strengthen our team and play a key role in our electrification journey as:
Senior Battery Project Manager
Husqvarna Group is a global leading producer of outdoor power products and innovative solutions for construction, forest, park, and garden care. Our mission is to drive electrification by providing non-fossil power tools that enable our customers to work more efficiently and sustainably.
As Senior Battery Project Manager, you will lead high-complexity battery projects, which are at the core of our electrification efforts.
About the team
The Husqvarna Battery Competence Center (BCC) is a global hub of battery and charger development expertise, serving the Husqvarna Group and several departments. The BCC team is vibrant and energetic, with internationally diverse members from various countries and disciplines. Fostering collaboration and innovation, our team operates across four sites situated in Sweden and Germany. Collaboration further extends beyond the core team to stakeholders across the organization and external partners.
The BCC is one of Husqvarna Group’s most dynamic environments shaped by technological innovation, global influences and politics, and rapid development in the battery domain.
Your mission and responsibilities
As Senior Battery Project Manager, you will ensure the progress and success of our battery development projects. Your role will span multiple functions and levels of detail, requiring adaptability and strategic focus, while interfacing several departments, partners, and suppliers.
Areas of responsibilities:
Plan and lead high-level activities from project initiation to closure.
Report status, provide recommendations, and guide Steering Committees and senior management through complex decisions to maximize project support.
Proactively engage all relevant stakeholders, ensuring effective communication flows.
Address scope deviations and develop solutions with your team to ensure project alignment and delivery.

This role is perfect for someone who is passionate about contributing to the global electrification journey and mastering the core technology that powers it — batteries.
Who are you?
You are an experienced and driven problem solver who thrives in a fast-paced, dynamic environment working with partners and colleagues from various countries and cultures. Analytical by nature, you excel at simplifying complex issues and balancing attention to detail with a high-level perspective. You embrace change, adapt to uncertainties, and bring structure to your work while showcasing exceptional leadership and stakeholder management skills.
To succeed in this role, you will need:
Proven experience managing cross-functional projects, ideally within battery development or high-volume consumer electronic products. Exposure to mechanical, electronic, software design, and industrialization is a plus.
Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills, with a talent for fostering collaboration across cultures and disciplines.
Strong organizational skills and a commitment to information accuracy.
A PMI/PMP certification (preferred).
Fluency in English (both written and spoken). Proficiency in Swedish or German is an advantage.

In essence, this role requires a fully qualified and experienced project manager who practically applies their vast knowledgebase and competency within project management along with a willingness to learn in a fast-paced environment to establish directives and processes within the team to meet project objectives.
This position is based in Huskvarna, Sweden. Husqvarna offers a hybrid working model to support flexibility and work-life balance.
Your application
Does this sound like the opportunity you have been waiting for? Don't hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Please note that we do not accept applications via email due to GDPR regulations.

For more information about the position, please contact:
Hiring Manager: Per-Elis Jansson, General Manager in Battery Competence Center, at

For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact:
Talent Acquisition partner: Katarina Karlsson at

Join us and be a part of shaping the future of electrification with Husqvarna!

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Senior HR Business Partner

Läs mer Jan 8
Are you an experienced HR Business Partner, ready to step into a role where your decisions shape the course of a global organization? Do you thrive in an environment where you're an integral part of the management team - driving strategic initiatives forward?
If so, welcome to Husqvarna Group! Here, we're not just building machines and tools; we're creating experiences and shaping the future of our industry. With operations spanning across the globe we're on a mission to set new standards of excellence.
As we’re working on some major change projects, we're seeking a bold and proactive Senior HR Business Partner to be a driving force in our journey.

Your Role:
As a Senior HR Business Partner, you'll be at the forefront of strategic HR, translating business objectives into actionable people strategies. This involves:
Leveraging HR analytics and providing data-driven insights, enabling informed decision-making on workforce planning, talent management, and organizational design.
Strategically aligning HR initiatives with business goals, ensuring seamless execution and alignment with organizational strategy.
Collaborating closely with senior leadership, providing expert advice and coaching on people matters to address current and future challenges effectively.
Leading performance development efforts, optimizing organizational structures and processes to enhance productivity and drive business success.
Promoting a positive organizational culture and enhancing the employee experience through continuous improvement initiatives and innovative HR practices.
Driving the implementation of inclusive and forward-thinking people management solutions while ensuring adherence to legal requirements and industry best practices.

About the team:
You'll be part of a global team, collaborating closely with HR-colleagues from all over the world. Together, you'll leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to drive HR initiatives that transcend geographical boundaries and push Husqvarna Group towards success.
You’ll be a cornerstone of our team, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas are shared freely and learning from one another is paramount. Your decisiveness will inspire confidence, but your dedication to elevating your colleagues and making them look good will be the true measure of success.
Together, we'll not only drive the success of Husqvarna Group, but also create a culture of excellence that sets us apart as industry leaders.

Who we are looking for:
We're looking for a bridge-builder who believes in collaboration, communication and in challenging norms; to drive innovation and efficiency. As a self-driven and bold doer, you operate with independence, prioritizing our common success over individual achievements. We think that you’re that kind of person who thrives when making your colleagues shine, reflecting our collaborative spirit.

Experience and skills:
Extensive HR experience, with a focus on workforce optimization and strategic level decision-making.
Proactive approach to staying informed about trends and emerging legislation, including initiatives.

For this role, Husqvarna is offering Hybrid working. The preferred location is in Sweden, preferably close to our offices in Huskvarna, or Gothenburg (Jonsered).
The business need will steer the amount of traveling required – you must be prepared to travel both within Sweden and Europe as and when required. Besides, expect to be present on a somewhat regular basis at a Husqvarna office.

Your Application:
If you're excited to infuse innovation into the heart of HR, send your application our way. We will continuously review the applications as they come in, so please be prompt in submitting yours, latest 2025-02-10.
For more information about this position please contact Hiring Manager Susanne Engdahl: For more information about the recruitment process contact Recruiter Johan Odelfelt:

About Husqvarna Group:
Welcome to the world’s oldest start-up! We really have that passion for innovation - and with it, we create new solutions to enhance urban and suburban green spaces and tree care, used and loved by many. By continuously challenging ourselves, we have kept innovating and re-inventing our business, for more than three centuries (330 years, to be more exact).
We believe that by being dedicated and bold, and care of each other, we can take on the future with a sustainable mindset. This is our heritage. And our future. And now - we really want you to be a part of it.

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Kvalitetsingenjör, elektronik/Kvalitetstekniker, elektronik
Läs mer Jan 3
Husqvarna grundades 1689, och är idag en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel. Vi har en stark passion för innovation och erbjuder professionella skogs-, park- och trädgårdsprodukter på en global marknad. Prestanda och användbarhet möter säkerhet och miljöomsorg i våra ledande innovationer, där batterilösningar och robotteknik leder vägen.
Vi söker nu en Kvalitetsingenjör som vill bidra till den fortsatta utvecklingen av vår avdelning. Detta är en tjänst med stor variation av uppdrag, och du får möjlighet att lösa problem och arbeta med kvalitet tillsammans med kollegor med hög expertis.
Om tjänsten
Som Kvalitetsingenjör på Husqvarna kommer du att spela en viktig roll i vårt kvalitets- och förbättringsarbete kopplat till hela produktionsprocessen. Du kommer att bli involverad i allt från specifika projekt till serietillverkning, och arbeta nära produktionen för att säkerställa att våra produkter och processer håller högsta kvalitet.
I denna roll är det vanligt att du att ingår i flera olika förbättringsteam där du samarbetar med produktionsledare och tekniker, och tillsammans arbetar ni med att förbättra våra processer, från monteringslinjer till automation, och bidra till vidareutvecklingen av våra produkter.
Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter:
Medverka i projekt vid framtagande av PFMEA och kontrollplaner
Utreda och felsöka avvikelser som är kopplat till intern tillverkningsprocess samt konstruktion
Driva eller medverka i övriga projekt och förbättringsarbeten i syfte att säkra eller höja kvaliteten.
Utveckla analys- och kontrollmetoder
Medverka vid framtagande av intern PPAP för nya processer
Ansvara för att allt kvalitetstekniskt arbete följer gällande system, avtal, rutiner och policys
Resor i tjänsten kan förekomma (besök hos annan produktion eller systerfabrik)

Vem söker vi?
Eftersom vi strävar efter att förbättra och utveckla våra produktionsprocesser och produkter, söker vi någon som tilltalas av möjligheten att bidra till att ständigt höja våra standarder. Kvalitet och innovation är kärnan i vår verksamhet, och vi tror därför att du behöver vara utvecklingsorienterad och ha en positiv inställning till förändring. Detta, kombinerat med ett strukturerat arbetssätt och en förmåga att leda sig själv tror vi ger dig de bästa förutsättningarna för att trivas hos oss. Utöver det, ser vi gärna att du har:
3-5 års erfarenhet av arbete som kvalitetsingenjör eller liknande
Relevant ingenjörsutbildning eller motsvarande
Goda kunskaper i både svenska och engelska.

Erfarenhet av kvalitetsarbete inom tillverkande industri
Kunskaper inom ritningsförståelse och mätteknik

Din ansökan
Vi tillämpar löpande urval i denna rekrytering, vilket innebär att vi kontinuerligt granskar ansökningar. Om du är en potentiell kandidat, kontaktar vi dig för att informera om intervjuprocessen och andra steg. Om du inte går vidare i processen kommer du att informeras senast när tjänsten har tillsatts. Observera att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.
Har du frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen? vänligen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Johan Odelfelt på
Har du frågor angående tjänsten? kontakta rekryteringsansvarig Peter Kindbom på
Med högtiderna runt hörnet kommer vår rekryteringsprocess att följa en justerad tidsplan, och intervjuer väntas starta i januari. Vi uppskattar din förståelse och ditt tålamod, och vi vill passa på att önska dig en trevlig avslutning på året och ser fram emot att höras igen efter nyår!

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Fastighetstekniker/Drifttekniker, fastighet
Läs mer Jan 2
Vill du bli en del av ett sammansvetsat team som arbetar med att säkerställa driften av våra fastigheter? Trivs du med att arbeta praktiskt, ta ansvar och möta nya utmaningar varje dag?
Som en del av vårt team i Huskvarna kommer du att hjälpa oss säkerställa en säker och hållbar arbetsmiljö för våra kollegor. Just nu befinner vi oss i en spännande utvecklingsfas, och vi söker dig som vill vara med och forma framtiden med oss.
Om oss
Fastighetsavdelningen på Husqvarna ansvarar för förvaltning och underhåll av våra anläggningar. Vi är experter på fastighetstekniska lösningar och strävar efter att skapa en arbetsmiljö som kombinerar funktionalitet, hållbarhet och säkerhet. Som en del av driftenheten kommer du att arbeta tillsammans med sju kunniga kollegor (fastighets- & drifttekniker och elektriker). Tillsammans bygger vi en arbetsplats där god stämning och samarbete står i fokus. Vi befinner oss i en utvecklingsfas med många projekt som syftar till att förbättra våra lokaler och tjänster. Här får du möjlighet att påverka din roll och utveckla din kompetens – vi vill växa tillsammans.
Vem är du?
Vi söker dig som är tekniskt nyfiken, serviceinriktad och lösningsorienterad. Du trivs med att arbeta både självständigt och i team, och du drivs av att hitta smarta lösningar på tekniska utmaningar. För oss handlar en rekrytering inte bara om rätt kompetens, utan också om att hitta rätt person för vårt team. Vi söker någon som bidrar till en positiv arbetsmiljö och som delar vår ambition att arbeta tillsammans mot gemensamma mål. Vi värdesätter olikheter och tror att en mix av erfarenheter, perspektiv och personligheter gör oss starkare som grupp.
Nedan har vi listat några av de kompetenser och kvalifikationer som vi tror ger dig rätt förutsättningar för att lyckas i rollen:
Flerårig erfarenhet av att arbeta med drift och underhåll av fastigheter
Elbehörighet B
Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift
Körkort B

Erfarenhet av styr- och reglerteknik
Tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta som elektriker

Ansökan och kontakt
Är du redo att ta nästa steg? Skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt! Vi tillämpar löpande urval, vilket innebär att vi kan kontakta dig innan sista ansökningsdatum.
För frågor om tjänsten, kontakta:
Hanna Rydberg, Rekryterande chef:
För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta:
Johan Odelfelt, Talent Acquisition Partner:
Med högtiderna runt hörnet kommer vårrekryteringsprocess att följa en justerad tidsplan, och intervjuer väntas starta i januari. Vi uppskattar din förståelse och ditt tålamod. Vi vill passa på att önska dig en trevlig avslutning på året och ser fram emot att höras igen efter nyår!

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AI Delivery Lead

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Dec 9
At Husqvarna Group, we’re not just building tools or machines — we’re shaping a legacy of innovation. This is your invitation to join us as a Delivery Lead in AI, where your leadership will transform ideas into solutions that redefine how we work and connect with the world.

Our AI Journey in brief:
Our AI organization is growing rapidly, and we're building something truly exciting here.
This is an initiative that spans across all functions, requiring close collaboration with business, to deliver real value. This isn’t just about jumping on the AI hype train — it's about solving real, tangible business problems, with AI.
We’ve got solid use cases and projects that have a direct, measurable impact. We’re not just doing research; we're building and scaling end-to-end solutions, and we need a leader who can help drive these projects to success. We’re doing it all: from ideation, to delivery, to full scaling and maintenance, with a full DevOps team supporting us along the way.

Your Role:
As a Delivery Lead, you’ll be at the center of projects that shape the future of AI at Husqvarna. You’ll have the freedom to explore innovative ideas while ensuring each project delivers real impact. Your expertise will guide diverse teams, bridge the gap between technical possibilities and business needs, and bring innovative solutions to life.
In addition to working with technical experts, you’ll collaborate daily with business stakeholders, to understand their needs, align on goals and transform their vision into reality. By connecting business insights with technical execution, you’ll ensure that AI-driven initiatives deliver tangible value and drive meaningful outcomes.
You won’t just manage projects - you’ll bring people together, solve challenges and create clarity where others may see complexity. You’ll be the trusted voice that aligns vision with execution, and one of the driving forces behind our success stories.
You’ll collaborate with forward-thinking colleagues in a culture that embraces bold ideas and innovation. Surrounded by talented experts in AI and data science, you’ll have great opportunities for personal growth. This is a place where your voice matters, your expertise is valued, and your potential is recognized.

You will:
Oversee full project delivery for data science and AI, from exploration to closeout.
Manage communications, escalations, and stakeholder engagement.
Deliver projects within an agile framework, ensuring timely, high-quality outcomes.
Build and maintain internal networks and relationships.
Collaborate with stakeholders to manage scope, risk, and profitability.
Report progress to leadership within set time frames.
Drive adoption and value through innovative solutions.
Simplify complex concepts for non-technical stakeholders.
Stay current on trends in data science, engineering, and AI

Why You?
Because, you’re a leader who knows how to turn ambition into action. You thrive on collaboration, but you’re not afraid to take lead when it’s needed. You’ve delivered end-to end complex AI and data projects before, but now - you’re hungry for the next big thing.
Your expertise in agile frameworks, cloud environments, and AI technologies will provide a strong foundation for success. But it’s your leadership skills, adaptability and innovative thinking that will truly set you apart.

We see you as someone who:
Understands the big picture, but never loses sight of the details.
Communicates boldly, translating the complex into the relatable.
Builds trust with every interaction, connecting IT and business.
Leads with care, balancing technical excellence with a great human touch.
Are ready to build something new with us; flexible, hands-on, and excited to shape something from the ground up. You’re not afraid of the challenge, and you thrive in a dynamic environment where you can roll up your sleeves and make a real impact.

Ready to Make Your Mark?
At Husqvarna Group, we believe that innovation starts with people like you — driven, passionate, and ready to lead. If you’re looking for more than just a job and want to be part of something truly exciting, this is your opportunity.
If so, apply as soon as possible. We will make ongoing selection, and this role may be filled before this ad ends at 2024-12-29.

If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ??
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Technical Support Specialist to Husqvarna Group

Läs mer Jan 13
Technical Support Specialist to Husqvarna Group
Welcome to one of the world oldest start-ups!
We really have that passion for innovation and with it, we create new solutions to enhance urban and green spaces, used and loved by many. By continuously challenging ourselves, we have kept innovating and re-inventing our business, for more than three centuries.
This is our heritage. And our future. And now, we really want you to be a part of it.
We're on a mission to strengthen our leading position, for decades to come. Now we're seeking our next Robotic Support Specialists, to join our team and be at the forefront of this thrilling journey.
Here, you get a role where you really get to think outside the box - and help us find innovative ways to deliver unbeatable value to our customers, build lasting relationships, and bring our skills to new heights.
About the role:
As a member of the Swedish aftersales department in the technical support team, you'll be a product expert on the Husqvarna Automower range to support our retailers and customers.
Whether it's via phone or digital solutions, you'll be the go-to-person when it comes to solving problems and ensuring an great experience with our products. Your passion for adding value, your curious nature, and your desire to help others will make you a hit with our customers.
Your key tasks and Responsibilities:
· Technical support and servicing of Husqvarna Automower´s product concept and solutions
· Technical support to Husqvarna dealer network
· Conduct technical and service training
· Product surveillance and advanced trouble shooting
· Product demonstration
· Training of dealers and end customers
· Travel and visit customer and dealers (from time to time)
· Close collaboration with Husqvarna business functions, dealer network and end customers
Location: Huskvarna, we use a hybride work model with up to 2 days remote in this position.
About you:
You're a social person, who knows how to work a room with ease! People around you likes your positive energy and can-do attitude, even in the face of tough challenges.
You're driven to succeed and always looking for new ways to improve and innovate. You think outside the box, are interested in new technology, have an eye for detail and a natural curiosity that always keeps you on the hunt for new and better solutions.
You have a in electrical background and have been working for some years within supporting and servicing within relevant areas. Maybe from a role as a technician, technical sales or technical support functions (or similar).
This role requires a driver's license type B, since you from time to tome are going to do some exciting travels throughout Sweden, meeting our customers and retailers.
Brush up on your Microsoft Office skills, including your CRM moves, and show off your smooth understanding of delivering top-notch after-sales and customer experiences. This role is for the person who aren't afraid of a fast-paced, customer-focused environment.
Fluency in Swedish and English is a must, and if you already have experience with Robotic Mowers, that is a plus!
Your application:
Can you envision yourself being a part of this? If so, please send us your application as soon as possible, as we review and select candidates continuously.
We do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position please contact Hiring Manager Håkan Lindow, Technical Support Manager at
For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Talent Acquisition partner – Katarina Karlsson at
About our organization:
Founded in Sweden in 1689, Husqvarna Group is a global leader of outdoor power products and innovative solutions for both construction industry as forest, park and garden care. Husqvarna offers a wide range of quality brands for professionals and consumers, subdivided into 3 worldwide divisions: Husqvarna Forest & Garden, Husqvarna Construction and Gardena.
The CSU Green Space Professional (GSP) focuses on professionals globally, that shape green spaces which enrich all our lives. These professionals work in landscaping, municipalities, facility management, sports and golf clubs, etc. Our battery products and especially our robotics makes Husqvarna uniquely positioned in the green space market.
We innovate fay beyond technology, enhances the way we meet our customers and how we serve them. For the GSP target group we strive to be “the recognized solution partner for sustainable and innovative green space management”

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Sales Representative Distribution

Läs mer Dec 19
Sales Representative Distribution till Husqvarna Construction
Varmt välkommen till en av världens äldsta start-ups!
På Husqvarna Construction har vi den där passionen för innovation – och med den skapar vi världsledande produkter inom håltagning, rivning och slipning. Genom att ständigt utmana oss själva har vi fortsatt att förnya vår verksamhet, i mer än tre århundraden (330 år för att vara mer exakt).
Det här är vårt arv. Och vår framtid. Och nu vill vi bjuda in dig att vara en del av den här resan!
Vi erbjuder…en spännande möjlighet, där du får vara med och utveckla Husqvarna Construction – i en stor koncern med ett mycket starkt varumärke. Vi på Husqvarna Construction är i vår nisch ledande och ligger i framkant när det gäller utveckling av produkter och koncept.
Du kommer att vara en viktig del av en försäljningsorganisation med god teamanda och en positiv och varm företagskultur, där alla medarbetares idéer och synpunkter värdesätts och tas till vara.
På Husqvarna Construction strävar vi efter en arbetsmiljö som är inkluderande, där vi tror att våra olikheter är våra styrkor. Vår kultur är viktig för oss, och vi verkar enligt våra värdeord: We are Bold, We are Dedicated and We Care.
Om rollen som säljare hos oss på Husqvarna Construction:
Du kommer vara ansvarig säljrepresentant för Husqvarna Constructions produktportfölj inom region Väst ( Göteborg ) . Kunderna utgörs av återförsäljare och uthyrare. Du är med hela vägen - från nykundsbearbetning till att vårda (och utveckla) befintliga relationer med kunder.
Utöver kundmöten förbereder och presenterar du offerter, genomför produktdemonstrationer, informerar om produktnyheter, deltar i mässor och kundaktiviteter
Här får du en fri och flexibel roll där du själv planerar och strukturerar dina dagar utifrån behov. Du rapporterar till Försäljningschef Distribution Sverige, inom Husqvarna Construction.
Vem är du?
Du är en social relationsskapare som har lätt för att se och förstå kunders behov - och som tillsammans med din tekniska förståelse, inre drivkraft och ditt strukturerade arbetssätt hittar den bästa lösningen åt kund. Du är förtroendeingivande och bra på att skapa långsiktiga relationer, både med kunder och dina kollegor. Med engagemang och intresse för dina befintliga och framtida kunder, håller du dig uppdaterad om marknaden, trender, konkurrenter och innovationer.
För att lyckas i rollen behöver du inte ha erfarenhet av våra produkter, även om det är ett plus. Däremot behöver du ha ett driv, ett resultatfokus och ett högt engagemang i det du gör. Har du en bakgrund inom försäljning av liknande produkter är det självklart meriterande.
Du trivs förmodligen i en organisation där alla ramar inte alltid är satta, där du själv får vara med och påverka och där dina egna (och gruppens) resultat blir synliga och uppmärksammade.
Placeringsort: Göteborg
Vill du vara en del av vår resa? Ansök i så fall så snart som möjligt. Vi tillämpar löpande urval. Vi kan inte ta emot ansökningar via mail, pga GDPR.
Har du frågor angående tjänsten vänligen kontakta rekryterande chef Stefan Bergsten Sales Manager Distribution på
Har du frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen vänligen kontakta Talent Acquisition partner – Katarina Karlsson på
Under jul och nyårshelgerna kan det dröja något innan du får svar, men vi lovar att återkomma så snart som möjligt. På Husqvarna tror vi på vikten av att balansera arbete och privatliv, särskilt under helgerna. Vi uppskattar verkligen ditt tålamod och din förståelse medan vi tar oss tid att ladda om. Vi önskar dig en underbar helgsäsong fylld med glädje och avkoppling.
About Husqvarna Construction Division
For more than 325 years we have driven innovation and technology development exceeding end-customers’ expectations. Husqvarna Construction, a division of the Husqvarna Group, is a world leader in machinery and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The foundation is built on product and technology leadership ensured by high investment levels in user-focused product development to offer professional end-users the most effective and efficient solutions. Products and services are distributed globally in all relevant sales channels. Please read more at

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Web Frontend and Full Stack Developer

Läs mer Jan 2
Come join Pro Robotics in robotizing the professional greenspace industry!
Husqvarna is in the forefront of robotizing the greenspace industry and we are now forming a dedicated R&D organization to even further strengthen our ability to deliver innovative top end robotic products and solutions meeting the demands of the professional customers.
We believe that customer value is optimized by taking a solutions perspective and our responsibility includes the professional robotic products and related digital solutions. This offers the opportunity to work in a focused and agile team with loads of cool technology in many different engineering fields. We solve complex problems together with highly skilled colleagues from other disciplines while contributing to making the world a little bit more sustainable.
Sounds interesting?
We are looking for you!
We are already a strong core team of around 60 people in the Pro Robotics R&D department, with around 30 are focused on the digital service development and operations. We are looking for a new team member in the field of Web frontend and full stack development in our Digital DevOps team. If you have 3 or more years of experience in, and love working with Web frontend and full stack development, then this is a perfect fit for you! We think that you have a strong drive and high motivation and want to make a difference for our customers who deserves the very best! You probably have experience in several of the following technologies and tools:
Dedication to continuous integration and automation
Enthusiasm for Agile software development.
Degree in computer science, software development or computer engineering.
Good hands-on experience with JavaScript, Typescript and Node.js.
Experience with JavaScript frameworks, preferably React and Redux.
CI/CD tools like Azure DevOps, Bamboo, Jenkins
Dedication to unit testing, code review and other quality-oriented practices.

You will be part of a team working together to achieve goals, share knowledge and learn from each other. The team develops new features, handles scaling as well as operations and support for the Husqvarna Fleet Services, the digital service that supports Husqvarna products for professional users. You will see the results of your own work and of the team in the market leading Husqvarna robotic mower and other products, and our digital services used by customers globally.
We expect that you have a passion for what you do and that you want to be part of continuously improving how we work by being open, communicative and have fun with us!
Location for the position is Huskvarna.
Apply! There is so much more we can tell you, and we are looking forward to meeting our next member of Pro Robotics R&D Digital DevOps.

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Product Quality Specialist Husqvarna Digital Product

Läs mer Dec 19
Welcome to an exciting role at Husqvarna Group, where your passion and knowledge of technology and digital products can truly make a difference.
The Product & Service Quality department is now looking for a Product Quality Specialist within Husqvarna Digital Products. This job offers stimulating work that gives you a wide network and excellent opportunities for personal development and career within the Husqvarna Group.
Job description:
As a Product Quality Specialist you will be a part of a team where you will be responsible for supporting the market with product knowledge of the Husqvarna Digital Products. The primary focus is to act as a single point of contact for quality improvements raised by Husqvarna Groups sales companies and distributors around the world. You will receive improvement requests from customers, sales companies and distributors and inform them about short-term and long-term solutions. You will also, in close cooperation with our R&D-teams, factories, and suppliers analyze the identified problems, feedback the identified issues into new development projects as well as report and prioritize improvements on existing platforms.
You will be working with the interface between our physical and digital product offerings within the whole Husqvarna product range. As the primary contact for our service organization, you will assist them in resolving digital quality-related issues and provide feedback on identified field issues to inform new development projects. You will prioritize product improvements on existing platforms, create presentation materials, and conduct training sessions for service personnel. Additionally, you will regularly visit key customers and participate in quality performance reviews.
Engaging in quality-related tasks within the Husqvarna Digital Development Process, you will ensure product quality deliverables are met. You will collaborate with stakeholders to develop proposals for activities, present them in appropriate forums, and follow up on their progress. When necessary, you will take on the role of project coordinator to involve the right stakeholders.
Working with the process development group, you will develop and implement effective processes for digital quality support and customer interaction. Promoting a customer-centric approach in digital support interactions with other stakeholders will be a key aspect of your role. You will also monitor and transparently report on field performance, identifying and tailoring tools to enhance performance.
The role includes travelling to domestic and international locations 15-30 days/year. You will visit key customers on a regular basis and participate in quality performance reviews. You will also train service personnel, primarily related to implemented product and service improvements. In your duties you will also prepare, analyze and distribute monthly data reports to the management team.
Your profile:
Required Qualifications
Master’s Degree in SW/Digital Engineering or equivalent?.
Three or more years of engineering, app-development or after sales experience.
Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
Ability to speak freely in front of medium-size audiences
Experience with Agile methods, ITIL, Scrum etc?.

Desired Qualifications
This position requires a proactive approach, excellent communication skills, and a strong focus on improving customer satisfaction through quality digital support. We believe you have a genuine interest in technology and possess great teaching abilities. Your excellent interpersonal, teamwork, and oral/written communication skills will be essential in this role.
Additionally, you are highly organized and capable of managing multiple projects simultaneously, with strong analytical and problem-solving skills. You have a holistic understanding of the interaction between mechanics, electronics, and software. Knowledge of Six Sigma methodologies is advantageous, as are personal computer skills, including but not limited to Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), JIRA, Confluence, SharePoint, and Power BI.
We believe you are currently working in a technical development role or technical sales (or a similar field) and are now seeking a new challenge.
Location: Your home base will be the office in Huskvarna, where we spend 2-3 days a week when not traveling.
Do you see yourself being a part of this? If so, please apply—we look forward to reviewing your application.
As we approach the holiday season, our recruitment process will be adjusted accordingly. We will review applications on an ongoing basis, but we will likely begin inviting candidates for interviews in early January. At Husqvarna, we value work-life balance. We thank you for your understanding and wish you a wonderful holiday season.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Hiring Manager Mats Mauritzson, and regarding the process contact Kristin Sundlo,

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Business Engagement Manager in Digital Commerce

Läs mer Dec 5
Welcome to a role that sits at the heart of business and technology, where you’ll be a part of shaping the future of how Husqvarna Group delivers value in the digital world.
We’re looking for a Business Engagement Manager (BEM) for Digital Commerce - a role that will bridge the gap between IT and business which is driving our online sales and marketing areas.

About the role:
Here, you will act as a translator and connector. On one side, you work closely with our global marketing and e-commerce teams, to understand their goals, challenges, and opportunities. Together, you’ll figure out where they need to grow and thrive, whether it's smoother online payment systems, better customer experiences, or innovative tools to drive sales. On the other hand, you’ll work with your colleagues in IT, within our global IT department, GIS, for them to design and implement the technical solutions that make these goals a reality.
There are many stakeholders across our global business, and part of your job is to bring them together, especially when different teams are (sometimes unknowingly) working on similar challenges. You’ll identify overlaps, align efforts and ensure that the work is coordinated and efficient.
The role is also about looking ahead, and making sure our business has the tools and technology it needs to thrive in digital commerce. How can new technologies help us sell better online? What trends in technology in digital commerce should we explore? How can we optimize our systems to stay competitive in a fast-changing market? You’ll be an important player in answering these questions, together with the business, and driving the digital transformation of our business.
You will be a part of our Global IT department (GIS) and report to Ida, our Director in IT Services & Solutions.

About you:
You’re a people person, the kind of person who naturally brings people together, building trust and shaping greats collaborations. Here, you'll have the opportunity to take the initiative and shape your own path. You will get goals and then figure out that path yourself - calling the right people, asking the right questions and pushing things forward - until you get results.

Your skills and background:
A background in mar-tech, marketing, e-commerce, and/or digital transformation roles, where you’ve gained insights into the buying journey for customers in an e-commerce environment, including the technical aspects.
You’ve played a role in developing and implementing digital solutions, perhaps in areas like online sales, customer engagement, or marketing.
You’ve managed projects or initiatives involving multiple stakeholders, where your ability to connect people and ideas made a great difference.

Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm, Jonsered or Malmö).??But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week (50%).?
Your application:?
Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2025-01-06. We apply ongoing selection.?If you have any questions, please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Web fronted and full stack developer

Läs mer Dec 19
Come join Pro Robotics in robotizing the professional greenspace industry!
Husqvarna is in the forefront of robotizing the greenspace industry and we are now forming a dedicated R&D organization to even further strengthen our ability to deliver innovative top end robotic products and solutions meeting the demands of the professional customers.
We believe that customer value is optimized by taking a solutions perspective and our responsibility includes the professional robotic products and related digital solutions. This offers the opportunity to work in a focused and agile team with loads of cool technology in many different engineering fields. We solve complex problems together with highly skilled colleagues from other disciplines while contributing to making the world a little bit more sustainable.
Sounds interesting?
We are looking for you!
We are already a strong core team of around 60 people in the Pro Robotics R&D department, with around 30 are focused on the digital service development and operations. We are looking for a new team member in the field of Web frontend and full stack development in our Digital DevOps team. If you have 3 or more years of experience in, and love working with Web frontend and full stack development, then this is a perfect fit for you! We think that you have a strong drive and high motivation and want to make a difference for our customers who deserves the very best! You probably have experience in several of the following technologies and tools:
Dedication to continuous integration and automation
Enthusiasm for Agile software development.
Degree in computer science, software development or computer engineering.
Good hands-on experience with JavaScript, Typescript and Node.js.
Experience with JavaScript frameworks, preferably React and Redux.
CI/CD tools like Azure DevOps, Bamboo, Jenkins
Dedication to unit testing, code review and other quality-oriented practices.

You will be part of a team working together to achieve goals, share knowledge and learn from each other. The team develops new features, handles scaling as well as operations and support for the Husqvarna Fleet Services, the digital service that supports Husqvarna products for professional users. You will see the results of your own work and of the team in the market leading Husqvarna robotic mower and other products, and our digital services used by customers globally.
We expect that you have a passion for what you do and that you want to be part of continuously improving how we work by being open, communicative and have fun with us!
Location for the position is Huskvarna.
Apply! There is so much more we can tell you, and we are looking forward to meeting our next member of Pro Robotics R&D Digital DevOps.

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Data Engineer - Gardena Robotics R&D

Läs mer Nov 15
We're a pioneering unit within Husqvarna, dedicated to designing and maintaining cutting-edge robotic mowers for the GARDENA Division. Formerly a joint effort, we're now an independent entity focused solely on advancing mower tech for the GARDENA Division. Located in Huskvarna, we're strategically close to other robotics teams within Husqvarna's Forest and Garden division, fostering collaboration with the other robotics development teams in the group as well as with external high tech development partners.
Our Unit consists of the departments Project & Portfolio Management, Systems & Software Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Our multidisciplinary setup ensures seamless innovation in cross-functional teams combining skills in project management, systems and software development and mechatronics design for top-notch robotic mower development.
Are you a Data Engineer who wants to be part of our journey developing the next generation robotic mowers for the Gardena Division?
Job description:
Your primary focus will be to be an integral part in the GARDENA team and - together with other Husqvarna Group Data Engineers - design and further develop the infrastructure needed for AI training and robotic mower data analysis. You will use available data to support the GARDENA team to develop insights that lead to even smarter products and higher quality for our customers.
Documented experience as a Data Scientist, Data Engineer, ML Engineer or similar.
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in relevant field.
Good verbal and written communication and presentation skills in English

Meritorious qualifications:
Hands-on experience in implementing and maintaining production ML systems
Hands-on experience in building and maintaining data pipelines

As we are a relatively small team where everyone is used to working together to achieve the goals we set - We are looking for a committed team-player who enjoys working together with others and feels comfortable taking initiative in projects to move forward towards our goals.
If you are ready to be at the forefront of technological innovation, contributing to the evolution of robotic mowers, then this is the opportunity for you.
Location: Our offices in Huskvarna
How to apply
Please submit your application with your CV and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position, please contact Hiring Manager Lars Roos: . For more information about the recruitment process please contact Recruiter: Gorjana Dubovina,

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Transport Manager

Läs mer Nov 15
With our passion for innovation, we create new solutions to enhance urban and green spaces used and loved by many. Transforming the way the world care for outdoor environments. For more than three centuries we have kept innovating and re-inventing our business. Today we’re the world’s leading producer of outdoor power products for forest, park and garden care, watering products and power tools for construction.
Husqvarna’s global transport team is currently hiring a?Transport Manager?to help oversee and optimize our transport operations globally. Here, you’ll join a collaborative environment and work alongside a team delivering cost-effective and reliable logistics solutions across all transport modes.
About the team
Based in Huskvarna, our Transport team manages all global overseas transportation for the Husqvarna Group, as well as road transport across Europe and distribution in the Nordic and Baltic regions. Our mission is to deliver efficient logistics solutions that align with our commercial goals while continuously working towards improving our customer service.
The global transport network currently consists of Transport Managers and Specialists distributed around the world in a matrix organization. In our daily work, we lead strategic initiatives, oversee procurement processes, and ensure service needs are met both regionally and globally. Continuous collaboration with purchasing, sales, R&D, and manufacturing teams is key to our success.
What you’ll do
As a Transport Manager, you will be responsible for transport management and logistics for the Husqvarna Group globally. Together with others in the team, you’ll ensure the development of transport modes (road, sea, and air) and processes to have the right costs and use our logistics network as optimally as possible.
In short, you will:
Lead transport procurement for the Husqvarna Group on a global scale.
Manage the entire procurement process, from data collection to implementation.
Hold commercial responsibility and serve as the escalation point for agreements.
Collaborate with your team to develop transport modes (road, sea, air) and optimize our logistics network for cost efficiency.

Who are we looking for?
To succeed in this role, we believe you are proactive and business-oriented, with the ability to listen, understand, and build trust with stakeholders on all levels. Your experience within the TM and logistics domain has made you a skilled collaborator and negotiator with external carriers. Your work is characterized by accuracy and objectivity, and you have the ability to translate strategic goals into actionable plans.
Ideally, you’ll have:
A degree in business, logistics or similar.
At least 5 years of experience in transport management (road, sea, air) and/or logistics.
A proactive, commercially focused attitude with excellent interpersonal skills.
Fluency in Swedish and English, both written and verbal

This position is based in Huskvarna. We offer a hybrid working model with an opportunity to work 50% from home. Some travel within the position may be required.
Why Husqvarna?
At Husqvarna, we are a global team of?pioneers, shaping great experiences through cutting-edge technologies and innovative products and services. Being a large global group, we are a dynamic mix of people with different backgrounds, skills and experiences. Working here, you will be part of a creative hub for innovative and passionate minds, with great future development opportunities.
What happens next??
In this process we apply ongoing selection, meaning we’ll continuously review applications and if we see you as a potential candidate we will contact you for an initial interview, and inform you about additional steps in the process - such as additional interviews, assessments, reference checks, and introduction. If you do not progress in the process, you will be informed of this no later than when the position has been filled.
For questions about the recruitment process, contact Talent Acquisition Partner – Johan Odelfelt at
For questions about the position, contact Hiring Manager – Erik Gederberg at
Thanks for reading, we look forward to receiving your application and are excited about the possibility of you joining our team!

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Measurement Engineer

Läs mer Nov 14
Fueled by our passion for innovation since 1689, Husqvarna provides professional forest, park and garden products. Performance and usability meet safety and environmental care in our leading-edge innovations, where battery solutions and robotics lead the way.
We are now looking for a Measurement Engineer who wants to contribute to the continued development of our department. This is an exciting position with a wide variety of measurement tasks, where you will have the opportunity to solve problems and create innovations alongside a highly professional team.
Location: This is an onsite role, based in Huskvarna
Get to know the team
The metrology team at Husqvarna, currently consisting of ten members, supports the entire Husqvarna Group with expertise in measurement and calibration. We work closely with various development departments to create new products, manage advanced measuring equipment in production, and actively participate in improvement projects and quality investigations.
Currently, we use a range of measurement methods, from handheld measuring devices to coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and 3D scanning. We also contribute our expertise during design reviews and drawing reviews.
What you’ll do
As part of our metrology team, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the highest quality and precision in our operations. In your daily work, you will have the opportunity to work with a diverse range of components and projects, from castings parts to small plastic details, making the work both challenging and stimulating.
In short, your main responsibilities include:
Programming and measuring using advanced measuring equipment
Acting as an expert on measurement and geometric assurance during drawing reviews
Developing and optimizing methods and equipment for measurement, calibration, and analysis
Leading metrology projects, i.e. when purchasing new measuring equipment
Providing support to production staff

Husqvarna strives to be at the forefront of innovation and utilize the latest technology in metrology, offering great opportunities for those who wish to grow and develop within the company.
Who you are
To thrive in this role, we believe you value precision and quality in your work, possess strong knowledge in metrology, and have several years of experience working with various forms of measurement. As a person, you should see yourself as thorough, solution-oriented, and appreciate the freedom to plan and manage your tasks independently.
Previous experience working with measurement and reading technical drawings in relevant fields.
Good knowledge of relevant ISO standards for requirements and measurement.
You are quality-conscious and work in a structured and thorough manner, with a proactive approach and a drive to improve processes.
You enjoy working in a team and have good communication skills.
Proficiency in Swedish and English, both spoken and written
Experience with one or more relevant measuring programs, such as Volume Graphics, MarWin, PolyWorks, Calypso, PC-DMIS, GOM Inspect.

It would be great if you also have
Knowledge of 3D scanning and/or CT systems (Computed Tomography).
Experience working with CAD.

What Happens Next?
In this process, we use ongoing selection, which means we continuously review applications to see how well profiles match the requirements for the position. If we see you as a potential candidate, we will contact you for an interview. At that time, you will receive information about the interview format and other steps in the process, such as additional interviews, tests, reference checks, and onboarding. If you do not proceed in the process, you will be informed of this no later than when the position has been filled.
For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner Johan Odelfelt at
For questions regarding the role, please contact hiring manager Oscar Börjesson
Are you interested in this role? Please submit your application as soon as possible, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We look forward to getting to know you!

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Läs mer Nov 4
Har du ett brinnande intresse för kompensationsfrågor och vill vara med och fortsätta att utveckla Husqvarnas service inom lön och förmåner? Just nu söker vi en person som kan förstärka vårt fantastiska team inom Compensation & Benefits i Sverige.

Om oss
People & Organization på Husqvarna Group befinner sig i en intensiv och spännande utvecklingsfas. Vårt team inom Compensation & Benefits består av 13 personer som är experter inom lönespecialisering, kompensationsstrukturer, resehantering, HR-administration och relaterade områden. Tillsammans arbetar vi för att säkerställa att våra cirka 2 900 medarbetare runt om i Sverige får korrekt lön och andra ersättningar.
I denna tjänst får du möjlighet att arbeta i ett dynamiskt och utvecklande team där ingen dag är den andra lik. Dessutom erbjuder arbetsplatsen många möjligheter till personlig och professionell utveckling.

Din roll
I din roll som lönespecialist kommer du, förutom att leverera rätt lön till våra medarbetare även att medverka till att förbättra våra processer. Du har möjlighet att delta i spännande projekt som syftar till att föra vår verksamhet framåt som ett viktigt led i automatisera och digitalisera delar av arbetet.
Du kommer att ha många interna kontakter, vilket innebär hög tillgänglighet för att kunna svara på frågor från HR Business Partners, chefer och medarbetare gällande lön, övriga förmåner samt skatter med mera. Du kommer även att ha en del extern kontakt med exempelvis våra leverantörer av löne- och tidrapporteringssystem (HR Plus och Medvind).

Din profil
För att lyckas i denna roll tror vi att du är en självständig och driven person som trivs med att arbeta i ett team. Du har förmågan att snabbt lära dig och anpassa dig till nya system. Om du dessutom är intresserad av att förbättra och arbeta målinriktat för att förenkla arbetsprocesser genom systemanvändning är det en stor fördel. Du är stresstålig och kan agera effektivt även när förutsättningarna förändras. Då ditt arbete innefattar både interna och externa kontakter är du utåtriktad och har god kommunikationsförmåga. Dessutom är du en person som tycker om att samarbeta, är positiv och har en nyfikenhet på utveckling och ständiga förbättringar.

Önskade erfarenheter och kvalifikationer:
Har en examen från högskola/Universitet eller KY-utbildning, gärna inom Lön, HR eller Ekonomi eller kompetens genom erfarenhet som bedöms som likvärdig.
2-4 års erfarenhet från kvalificerat lönearbete är meriterande.
Du behärskar mycket väl både svenska och engelska, såväl i tal som i skrift.
Det är en fördel om du har arbetat i företag som tillämpat kollektivavtalen inom den privata industrisektorn.
Erfarenhet av systemen HR Plus/Medvind är meriterande.

Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Huskvarna där vi ses tre dagar i veckan, med möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån två dagar.

Välkommen med din ansökan i form av ett personligt brev och CV. Med hänsyn till GDPR tar vi ej emot ansökningar via mejl. Intervjuer sker löpande så skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt!

Vid frågor om tjänsten vänligen kontakta rekryterande chef Dijana Draganovic:
Vid frågor om rekryteringsprocessen vänligen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Sebastian Glaas

Vad händer efter din ansökan?
När sista ansökningsdag har passerat går vi igenom din ansökan för att se hur väl din profil matchar kraven för tjänsten. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester, referenstagning och introduktion. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten.

Ansök nu

Payroll Manager

Läs mer Nov 4
Är du vår nya Payroll Manager som gillar utmaningar och har lösningar i bakfickan?
Välkommen till Husqvarna! Här tror vi på att göra varje dag lite bättre – både för våra kunder och för oss själva. Vi söker nu en Payroll Manager som har förmågan att få allt att flyta smidigt, även när det blåser. Har du en positiv inställning i livet, älskar att förbättra och får glädje av att hitta nya vägar framåt? Då kan det vara just dig vi letar efter!
Här får du inte bara leda vårt dynamiska team av nio medarbetare – från lönespecialister och rese- och ersättningspecialist till adminproffs!, utan även vara med och sätta din prägel på hur vi jobbar. Som en nyckelperson i teamet kommer du ha möjligheten att utveckla både processer och människor, och i gengäld erbjuder vi en arbetsplats fylld av energi, ambition och en hel del skratt.

Om rollen
Som Payroll Manager är din huvuduppgift att säkerställa att vår lönehantering inte bara rullar på, utan ständigt förbättras. Du leder teamet med lika delar hjärta och hjärna, och navigerar lätt mellan stora visioner och små detaljer. Tillsammans bygger vi en effektiv och serviceinriktad löneavdelning som står redo för framtiden.

Din roll innebär bland annat att:
Inspirera och utveckla ditt team mot ständiga förbättringar
Ansvara för löneprocesser och säkerställa att vi följer både lagkrav och våra egna höga standarder
Driva analyser och delta i lönesurveys som hjälper oss att ligga i framkant
Vara en förändringsledare som ständigt ser möjligheter till att göra arbetet ännu smartare och mer effektivt
Samarbeta nära med HR och andra viktiga funktioner inom Husqvarna för att hitta de bästa lösningarna

Vem är du?
Vi tror att du är en person som ser helheten men inte räds detaljerna – en problemlösare som får energi av utmaningar. Du är bekväm med förändring, inspirerar ditt team och har en känsla för vad som behövs för att skapa en arbetsplats fylld med positiv energi.

För att lyckas i rollen har du förmodligen:
Minst 4 års erfarenhet inom lönehantering eller motsvarande
En relevant utbildning inom lön, HR, ekonomi eller liknande
Dokumenterad erfarenhet av att leda team och utveckla andra
Flytande kunskaper i både svenska och engelska
Erfarenhet av HR-plus 8 är meriterande
Avancerade färdigheter i Excel
Ett sinne för system och optimering samt gärna kunskaper i Power BI

På Husqvarna erbjuder vi mer än bara ett jobb – vi erbjuder en möjlighet att vara med och utveckla en ikonisk arbetsplats där dina insikter och idéer värderas högt. Vi tror på innovation och samarbete och uppskattar din vilja att både lära och leda. Hos oss blir du en del av ett företag där människor ser lösningar, inte problem, och där vi tillsammans tar oss an varje ny utmaning med ett leende.

Tjänsten är placerad på vårt kontor i Huskvarna där vi ses tre dagar i veckan, med möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån två dagar.

Välkommen med din ansökan i form av ett personligt brev och CV. Med hänsyn till GDPR tar vi ej emot ansökningar via mejl. Intervjuer sker löpande så skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt!

Vid frågor om tjänsten vänligen kontakta rekryterande chef Dijana Draganovic:
Vid frågor om rekryteringsprocessen vänligen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Sebastian Glaas

Vad händer efter din ansökan?
När sista ansökningsdag har passerat går vi igenom din ansökan för att se hur väl din profil matchar kraven för tjänsten. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester, referenstagning och introduktion. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten.

Ansök nu

Pro Robotic Support Specialist to Husqvarna Group

Kundserviceingenjör, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Okt 30
Welcome to one of the world oldest start-ups!
We really have that passion for innovation and with it, we create new solutions to enhance urban and green spaces, used and loved by many. By continuously challenging ourselves, we have kept innovating and re-inventing our business, for more than three centuries.
This is our heritage. And our future. And now, we really want you to be a part of it.
We're on a mission to strengthen our leading position, for decades to come. Now we're seeking our next Pro Robotic Support Specialists, to join our team and be at the forefront of this thrilling journey. Here, you get a role where you really get to think outside the box - and help us find innovative ways to deliver unbeatable value to our customers, build lasting relationships, and bring our skills to new heights.

About the role:
As a member of the Swedish aftersales department in the technical support team, you'll be the go-to expert for our professional retailers and customers.
Whether it's via phone or digital solutions, you'll be the go-to-person when it comes to solving problems and ensuring an great experience with our products. Your passion for adding value, your curious nature, and your desire to help others will make you a hit with our customers.
Your key tasks and Responsibilities:
Technical support and servicing of Husqvarna PRO Automower´s product concept and solutions
Technical support on PRO Automower´s to Pro dealer network
Conduct technical and service training
Product surveillance and advanced trouble shooting
Product demonstration
Training of dealers and end customers
Travel and visit customer and dealers (from time to time)
Close collaboration with Husqvarna business functions, Pro dealer network and Pro end customers

Location: Huskvarna, we use a hybrid work model with up to 2 days remote in this position.
About you:
You're a social person, who knows how to work a room with ease! People around you likes your positive energy and can-do attitude, even in the face of tough challenges.
You're driven to succeed and always looking for new ways to improve and innovate. You think outside the box, are interested in new technology, have an eye for detail and a natural curiosity that always keeps you on the hunt for new and better solutions.
You have a background in electrical engineering and a minimum of 5 years work experience in this field under your belt, in the product and service industry. Maybe from a role as a technician, technical sales or technical support functions (or similar).
This role requires a driver's license type B, since you from time to tome are going to do some exciting travels throughout Sweden, meeting our customers and retailers.
Brush up on your Microsoft Office skills, including your CRM moves, and show off your smooth understanding of delivering top-notch after-sales and customer experiences. This role is for the person who isn't afraid of a fast-paced, customer-focused environment.
Fluency in Swedish and English is a must, and if you already have experience with Robotic Mowers, that is a plus!
Your application:
Can you envision yourself being a part of this? If so, please send us your application as soon as possible, as we review and select candidates continuously.
We do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position please contact Hiring Manager Håkan Lindow, Technical Support Manager at
For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Talent Acquisition partner – Katarina Karlsson at
About our organization:
Founded in Sweden in 1689, Husqvarna Group is a global leader of outdoor?power products and innovative solutions for both construction industry as forest, park?and garden care. Husqvarna offers a wide range of quality brands for professionals and consumers, subdivided into 3 worldwide divisions: Husqvarna Forest & Garden, Husqvarna Construction and Gardena.
The CSU Green Space Professional (GSP) focuses on professionals globally, that shape green spaces which enrich all our lives. These professionals work in landscaping, municipalities, facility management, sports and golf clubs, etc. Our battery products and especially our robotics makes Husqvarna uniquely positioned in the green space market.
We innovate fay beyond technology, enhances the way we meet our customers and how we serve them. For the GSP target group we strive to be “the recognized solution partner for sustainable and innovative green space management”
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

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Montör, metallprodukter
Läs mer Okt 25
Husqvarna söker montörer!
Är du intresserad av att arbeta inom ett av Sveriges mest innovativa företag? Vi söker nu nya kollegor för ett tidsbegränsat uppdrag till vår fabrik i Huskvarna. Här får du chansen att bli en del av ett professionellt team som arbetar med att skapa framtidens skogs-, park- och trädgårdsprodukter.
Vår fabrik i Huskvarna är just nu mitt i sin största förändring på många årtionden. En digital fabrik med smarta flöden och automation i världsklass håller på att växa fram. Vi söker nu dig som vill vara en del av denna fantastiska resa!

Startdatum: Omgående
Omfattning: Heltid, till och med Juni 2025
Placeringsort: Huskvarna
Observera att detta gäller en tidsbegränsad anställning för att hantera ett tillfälligt ökat behov i vår produktion under en begränsad tidsperiod.

Om Husqvarna
Husqvarna grundades 1689, har en stark passion för innovation och erbjuder professionella skogs-, park- och trädgårdsprodukter. Prestanda och användbarhet möter säkerhet och miljöomsorg i våra ledande innovationer, där batterilösningar och robotteknik leder vägen.

Om tjänsten
I rollen som montör kommer du ingå i ett team på ca 20 personer, vilket ställer krav på ansvar, noggrannhet och samarbetsförmåga. Arbetsinnehållet inkluderar montering, testning, slutmontering och kontroll av handhållna produkter. Rollen innebär att du behöver vara flexibel, ansvarstagande och strukturerad, samt kunna arbeta målorienterat och självgående.
För att vara framgångsrik i denna roll tror vi att du:
Är nyfiken och vill lära dig nya saker
Är noggrann och ansvarstagande, även under tidspress
Är en lagspelare som gillar att arbeta tillsammans med andra
Har en positiv inställning och gillar att lösa problem
Svenska i tal och skrift

Tidigare erfarenhet av monteringsarbete

Vi välkomnar både erfarna och icke erfarna montörer att söka, men tidigare erfarenhet av montering kommer att prioriteras i rekryteringsprocessen.

Sök redan idag!
Vi önskar en snabb tillsättning och tillämpar löpande urval och intervjuer, vilket innebär att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan ansökningstidens slut. Om du inte går vidare i processen, kommer du att informeras när tjänsten är tillsatt.
För frågor kring tjänsten, kontakta rekryterande chef:
Sara Lind Karahanci,
Nikolina Celebija,

För frågor kring rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta ansvarig rekryterare:
Johan Odelfelt,

Observera att vi inte tar emot ansökningar via e-post på grund av GDPR-regler.

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AI Domain Architect

Läs mer Okt 28
Welcome to a new and exciting role at Husqvarna Group, where your passion for AI can truly make a difference.
Here, we’re driving AI innovation with visible, business-focused applications that are transforming how we work. We’re shaping the future of innovation - and now we want you to be a part of it!

About the role:
As our new AI Domain Architect, you’ll be at the heart of our AI transformation, responsible for developing and implementing strategies and guidelines for AI architecture. Your role will be central in building the bridge between innovative technology and everyday application, and you’ll collaborate across departments, to ensure our teams are equipped and confident in leveraging AI solutions.
As part of a cross-functional team, you’ll work closely with key stakeholders to deliver innovative, practical solutions. Our agile approach ensures that every project is hands-on, relevant and focused on real business needs. You’ll be a part of building AI applications that are scalable, impactful, and tailored to Husqvarna’s specific challenges.

What You’ll Do:
Shape and implement the AI strategy and roadmap from an IT architecture perspective.
Lead the development of AI architecture standards and guiding principles.
Create and maintain reference architecture blueprints for AI solutions.
Collaborate with Enterprise Architecture, domain architects (cloud, integration, security), and stakeholders (legal, compliance, data protection) to ensure alignment with organizational standards.
Ensure AI solution designs conform to target architecture standards.
Partner with vendors, develop business cases, and plan conceptual architectures.
Advise business leaders on AI initiatives and maintain an AI capability map to align business use cases with AI solutions.
Oversee the compliant evaluation, testing, and onboarding of third-party AI solutions.

Who You Are:
As the natural team player you are, you thrive on building strong relationships. You have great service, leadership and communication skills, and shine when it comes to solving problems and making reliable decisions. Efficient in prioritization and time management, you work seamlessly with cross-functional teams and stakeholders. Self-driven and curious, you bring an innovative approach to new technologies, especially AI.
Your eagerness to learn keeps you current with industry trends. Balancing long-term goals with short-term needs, you drive success and innovation, and with a proactive mindset, you continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Your Qualifications:
Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field with 5+ years as a Solution, Domain, or Enterprise Architect.
Proven expertise in creating business-IT capability maps, particularly in AI (data architecture, modeling, governance).
Strong understanding of AI regulations, data analytics, machine learning, Big Data, and cloud technologies (AWS, Azure).
Experience in aligning IT infrastructure with business goals and integrating AI across technology domains.
Skilled in Agile environments, tracking AI performance KPIs, and driving governance and standardization initiatives.

Preferred locations for this position are in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered).??
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week (50%).

Your application:
Ready to be part of something big? Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-11-20. We apply ongoing selection.?
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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AI Portfolio Manager

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Okt 28
Welcome to a new and exciting role at Husqvarna Group, where your passion for AI can truly make a difference.
Here, we’re driving AI innovation with visible, business-focused applications that are transforming how we work. We’re shaping the future of innovation - and now we want you to be a part of it.
So, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey where you will lead a team at the forefront of AI innovation?
As our AI Portfolio Manager, you will run strategic AI projects and initiatives, guiding a team of up to 5 people to success. You’ll engage with stakeholders across various business units, ensuring our AI endeavors align with organizational goals, and seamlessly blend IT and business strategy - to drive tangible impact through AI.
In this role, you’ll collaborate with external partners and suppliers to deliver great results, focusing on initiatives that bring the most value to our business. You’ll coordinate ideation, exploration and delivery of AI strategic themes, to keep us ahead of the curve and to ensure alignment with our ambitious portfolio objectives.
Your contributions will shape the future of our AI strategy and the establishment of our Enterprise AI organization. You’ll lead Group-wide training, adoption and technology roadmaps and collaborate with cross-functional teams to foster AI integration at all levels of the company. Additionally, monitoring the business impact of AI projects will be a key part of your responsibilities. You will establish frameworks to measure this impact, ensuring that our AI initiatives are aligned with our business objectives.

About you:
You’re an inspiring leader with great communication and people skills, who shines when it comes to building strong relationships across cross-functional teams. You thrive in fast-paced environments, bringing agility and adaptability to every challenge, while approaching problem-solving with strategic insight and a proactive mindset.
As a natural leader, you inspire teams to collaborate and innovate, guiding them through complex initiatives with clarity and confidence. Your talent for juggling multiple priorities and driving results, combined with your expertise in agile development, will empower you to make a lasting impact and lead the way to success.

Your qualifications:
Proven track record in managing IT or AI projects and integrating technology solutions, along with excellent skills in engaging with internal and external stakeholders at all levels.
3-5 years of leadership experience in a technology-oriented environment.
You hold a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, Information Technology, or Business Administration.
Deep understanding of AI technologies and their business applications.

Preferred locations for this position are in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered).??
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week (50%).

Your application:
Ready to be part of something big? Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-11-20. We apply ongoing selection.?
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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AI Innovation & Research Manager

Läs mer Okt 28
Welcome to a new and exciting role at Husqvarna Group, where your passion for AI can truly make a difference.
Here, we’re driving AI innovation with visible, business-focused applications, that are transforming how we work. And now, we want you to be a part of it.

So, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey where you will lead a team at the forefront of AI innovation?
As our AI Innovation & Research Manager, you will lead a great team of data scientists, driving the end-to-end delivery of impactful AI projects. You’ll foster academic collaborations, explore new AI opportunities, create both proof-of-concepts and mature AI solutions to showcase the potential of AI technologies. Your role will be pivotal in shaping our AI strategy and establishing our newly formed Enterprise AI organization.

What You’ll Do:
In this role, you’ll lead and inspire a team of data scientists. Your leadership will be crucial in ensuring successful project delivery and fostering a culture of innovation within the team. You will collaborate with universities and research institutions, staying at the forefront of AI advancements and driving academic collaborations - that will push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Here, you’ll be at the heart of AI exploration initiatives, identifying new opportunities and creating proof-of-concepts, to demonstrate the potential of AI technologies. But your work will not only be limited to exploration activities – you will contribute to the end-to-end delivery of data science and AI projects, from ideation to deployment, ensuring alignment with business objectives. Your strategic thinking will contribute to the development of our AI strategy, and you will play a key role in integrating AI solutions into our existing products and services, ensuring they align with our companywide guidelines and processes.

As an innovation leader, you will play a pivotal role in creating frameworks for monitoring business impact of AI innovation projects. Additionally, you will engage with external stakeholders, including suppliers and partners, to ensure the successful delivery of projects.

About you:
We value a bold, innovative mindset and a genuine passion for exploring the transformative potential of AI. You are a visionary thinker, committed to delivering practical AI solutions that drive real-world impact from concept to completion. Your leadership inspires others, and your mentorship empowers teams to reach their full potential.
In a fast-paced, innovative landscape, you thrive—adapting quickly and pushing boundaries. With exceptional communication and people skills, you’ll create seamless collaboration across diverse teams, creating synergy that leads to great results.

Your qualifications and skills:
A minimum of 5 years of experience in data science, machine learning, or AI role and 3-5 years of experience in a leader role in industrial-scale AI projects and teams.
Strong track record in AI technologies and academic collaboration.
Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, or similar, and experience with cloud environments like Azure, AWS, or GCP are essential.
Excellent project management, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Master’s or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field.

Preferred locations for this position are in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered).??
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week (50%).

Your application:
Ready to be part of something big? Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-11-20. We apply ongoing selection.?
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Embedded Software Design Engineer – Gardena Robotics R&D

Läs mer Okt 16
We're a pioneering unit within Husqvarna, dedicated to designing and maintaining cutting-edge robotic mowers for the GARDENA Division. Formerly a joint effort, we're now an independent entity focused solely on advancing mower tech for the GARDENA Division. Located in Huskvarna, we're strategically close to other robotics teams within Husqvarna's Forest and Garden division, fostering collaboration with the other robotics development teams in the group as well as with external high tech development partners.
Our Unit consists of the departments Project & Portfolio Management, Systems & Software Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Our multidisciplinary setup ensures seamless innovation in cross-functional teams combining skills in project management, systems and software development and mechatronics design for top-notch robotic mower development.
Job description:
We are on the lookout for skilled Embedded Software Design Engineers who wants to be part of our journey developing the next generation robotic mowers for the Gardena Division. You will be an integrated part of the development within Gardena and you will work closely with other robotic software engineers within Husqvarna Group.
Your primary focus will be to be an integral part in our new product development projects but you will also play an important role in tech pre-studies, early prototyping phases and concept development projects.
Documented experience in embedded software development (C and/or C++)
B.Sc or M.Sc degree in relevant field.
Good verbal and written communication and presentation skills in English

Meritorious qualifications:
Robotics development or development of autonomous systems
Linux Operating System (Embedded)
Vision Technologies
AI and Machine Learning

As we are a relatively small team where everyone is used to working together to achieve the goals we set - We are looking for a committed team-player who enjoys working together with others and feels comfortable taking initiative in projects to move forward towards our goals.
If you are ready to be at the forefront of technological innovation, contributing to the evolution of robotic mowers, then this is the opportunity for you.
How to apply
We are looking forward to your application! Please submit your application with your CV and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position, please contact Hiring Manager Lars Roos: . For more information about the recruitment process please contact Recruiter: Gorjana Dubovina,
What happens after you applied?
When the application date is due, we will review your application carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
Husqvarna Group shapes the future with our passion for innovation, creating solutions that enhance urban and green spaces worldwide. As an employer, we value diversity and equal opportunities. Our differences are our strengths, celebrated by creating an inclusive environment for all employees and candidates. Together, as a team, we can realize the best ideas and create solutions for the future.

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Supply Chain Manager

Läs mer Okt 1
Husqvarna Group is a world-leading producer of outdoor power products for garden, park and forest care. Products include chainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawn mowers and ride-on lawn mowers. The Group is also the European leader in garden watering products and a world leader in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries.
This is a temporary position covering a parental leave, starting December 2024.
The team and department:
In the role as Supply chain Manager, you will be joining a dedicated team of colleagues that on a day-to-day basis, make a real impact on the business. Husqvarna Group is in the process of electrifying its product offering, and you will be a key person in that transformation journey. You will have an opportunity to implement new ways of working in supply chain management of electronics, to ensure Husqvarna Group's future success. You will work in close collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders, in a local and global context. This position offers you great development opportunities, enabling both personal and professional growth.
About the role as Supply Chain Manager
In this dynamic role, we are seeking an ambitious and driven Supply Chain Manager who thrives in challenging situations. Your mission is to orchestrate the phase-in and phase-out of products, spearhead supply chain improvement initiatives, and craft production foot print strategies in tandem with the commodity managers. You'll be navigating a high-paced environment, leveraging your robust analytical prowess to drive transformative outcomes.
Key responsibilities:
Strategic Supply Chain Analysis: Undertaking in-depth analyses of our intricate supply chain operations, you will unearth opportunities for enhancement even amidst complexity.
Supply Chain Optimization: Your ambitious spirit will drive the development and execution of strategies aimed at streamlining and enhancing our supply chain processes.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborating seamlessly with cross-functional teams, you will ensure that our supply chain operations align harmoniously with the overarching company goals and objectives.
Metrics Mastery: You will be responsible for meticulously monitoring and reporting on crucial supply chain metrics, including inventory levels, lead times, and supplier performance, with a keen eye for continuous improvement.
Risk Mitigation: Identifying and adeptly managing supply chain risks, such as supplier disruptions and inventory shortages, will be part of your strategic responsibilities.
Supplier Partnerships: Cultivating and nurturing strong relationships with key suppliers and partners will be essential for optimizing our supply chain network.

Who are you?
We're in search of a Supply Chain Manager with a burning ambition, equipped with the analytical acumen to conquer challenging terrain. Your qualifications ideally include a bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in engineering, industrial engineering, business administration, or related fields.
Your Capabilities and Skills
Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, enabling you to forge powerful alliances with both internal and external stakeholders.
Proficiency in a spectrum of supply chain management software and tools, encompassing ERP systems and advanced data analytics solutions.
Demonstrated capacity to excel both autonomously and collaboratively within a team.
Thrives in the fast-paced whirlwind of supply chain management, always pushing boundaries to elevate our operations to new heights.

How to apply
Please submit your application as soon as possible, since we are reviewing the applications on an ongoing basis.
For more information about the recruitment process, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner Johan Odelfelt –
For more information about the position, please contact the hiring manager
Caroline Lilja –
What happens after you applied?
We review applications continually and match profiles against the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. In preparation for the interview you will receive information about the arrangement as well as other steps in the process, such as second interviews, assessments, references and introduction. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
This is a temporary position covering a parental leave, starting December 2024.

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Senior Electronics Hardware Design Engineer – Wheeled – Husqvarna Group

Utvecklingsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Okt 8
Do you want to take part in our electrification journey for transportable products with the aim of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and increasing circular use to make our customers happy? In Husqvarna language, we call it Sustainovate! Join us and become a part of our exciting journey!
The Wheeled department has over 50 employees who are dedicated to product development and cover all the fields, from Electric & Mechanic to Laboratory design. The products we develop are both for professional and residential users and propelled by hybrid-, full electric- and petrol-solutions. Most of the work is focusing on bigger ride on products, which may be manually operated, remote or even autonomous. Joining us you will get a chance to get an understanding of an Automotive similar context but within a smaller scope which can more easily be grasped. You will be part of the Wheeled Electrical Systems team.
Job Description:
We are looking for a Senior Electronics Hardware Engineer with experience in working with complex hardware solutions for approximately five years or more. You will have a key role and the opportunity to work in a hands-on department where we decide how we develop our products. Your role will be to design electronics hardware and some harness drawings. In addition to the Hardware team, which you will be part of, we have a System-, Software- and Test-team which together develop all the functions in close relation to the products. You will have the opportunity to work with complex solutions such as Bluetooth, LTE, BMS, BLDC inverters, HMI, UI, GNSS, Displays, Remote control, Autonomous functions, large complex harness solutions and much more.
Your profile:
Does the Job description seem to fit your profile? Are you experienced working with complex hardware solutions and has knowledge of CAN networks and safety functions? Have you also got knowledge working in Cadence Or CAD? Then this might be your next step!
Teamwork and close collaboration with you colleagues both within the department but also around the company and our suppliers is a big part of your work. Therefore it is important that you enjoy this kind of set-up and thrive in working with others to find the best solutions together!
Your application
Can you envision yourself being a part of this? If so, send us your application including resume and personal letter. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact
Hiring Manager – Niklas Hallström and if you have any questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Recruiter – Kristin Sundlo
What happens after you applied?
When the application date is due, we will review your application carefully to see if your profile matches the requirements of the vacant position. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you aren’t chosen to proceed in the process, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
About Husqvarna Group
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Experienced iOS Developer – Husqvarna AMC

Läs mer Okt 7
Husqvarna Group shapes the future with our passion for innovation, creating solutions that enhance urban and green spaces worldwide. As an employer, we value diversity and equal opportunities. Our differences are our strengths, celebrated by creating an inclusive environment for all employees and candidates. Together, as a team, we can realize the best ideas and create solutions for the future.

About AMC
At Automower Connect, we embrace the challenge of tackling the untamed. We delve into complex conundrums and pioneer innovative solutions to problems previously unsolved. Our approach is distinctive, and our solutions are our own, as we take full ownership and responsibility for the decisions we make. Instead of being burdened with a hefty list of demands, our product managers simply state their desired outcome: ‘We want a function that operates like this.’ And it's our mission to bring that vision to life.” That's how Mia and Erick, the managers of the AMC tribe, portrays theirs's and theirs's colleagues' daily work.
The tribe is made up of three feature squads that focus on delivering native Android and iOS features. There’s also a backend squad and a smart home squad working on projects such as Alexa integration. There is a tight cooperation between feature, backend, and test to ensure that we are using common ways of working and solving any problems that arise.
We are always open to new technologies and are not afraid to test new things. Our developers work with cutting-grass (pun intended) technologies such as iOS, Android, Kotlin, Java, and Typescript. We are trusted to take up new challenges and to make sure that our projects are stable and in good shape.

Curious about our product? Read more here HYPERLINK ""

Areas of responsibility
As an iOS developer, you'll play a crucial role within a feature squad, focusing on specific areas of our app. Your daily routine will involve code reviews, participation in daily stand-up meetings, and regular collaboration with team members to track progress and resolve any issues. Currently, our primary focus is enhancing our app to support NERA, the latest addition to our Automower® lineup, ensuring seamless integration of new features and functionalities for our users.

Your background
The ideal candidate will have over 5 years of experience as an iOS Developer, a master's degree in software development & mobile platforms or a related area.

Technical Knowledge:
Swift: Proficient in Swift, using it to write clear and efficient code for iOS applications.
SwiftUI: Experienced with SwiftUI for building modern, responsive user interfaces.
UIKit: Skilled in UIKit for creating and maintaining complex user interfaces, ensuring seamless integration with SwiftUI.
MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture: Knowledgeable in MVVM to keep code organized and maintainable.
Async/await: Capable of using async/await for handling asynchronous tasks efficiently, improving app performance.

With these skills, you'll contribute to creating great iOS apps that our users will love!
Additionally, you are fluent in English. And if you also have experience working in a larger global organization, and speak and write in Swedish, that is considered a plus!

Who are you?
Yes, that's something we are genuinely curious to find out. Regardless of your personal identity, we believe that the drive to excel in our team is more about your goals and interests than who you are. At AMC, we seek individuals who take ownership and thrive on working with cutting-edge products. We don't confine ourselves to specific characteristics or personality types; instead, we embrace diversity and unite under a shared passion for technology.

How to apply
If you are excited about this role and meet the qualifications, we invite you to apply and join our team at Husqvarna Group.
For questions about the role, contact R&D Manager AMC - Mia-Berentje Land, For questions about the recruitment process, please contact Talent Acquisition Partner – Kristin Sundlo at

Next Steps
After the application deadline, we will review your application to see if your profile matches the requirements. If you are a potential candidate, you will be invited to a first interview. Preparation for the interview will include details about the recruitment process, additional interviews, assessments, references, and onboarding steps. If you are not selected to proceed in the process, you will be informed once the position is filled.

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Drifttekniker - Fastighet

Fastighetstekniker/Drifttekniker, fastighet
Läs mer Okt 7
Om oss?
Fastighetsavdelningen på Husqvarna ansvarar för förvaltning och underhåll av alla våra anläggningar i Norden. Vår styrka ligger i vår tekniska expertis och breda kompetens inom underhåll och drift av olika fastighetssystem. Vi strävar efter att vara en effektiv och professionell organisation som säkerställer att vår operativa verksamhet har ändamålsenliga lokaler och får utmärkt service när det gäller funktion, miljö, ekonomi och säkerhet.?
Nu söker vi efter en ny kollega till vårt team, där du kommer att ingå i ett arbetslag som arbetar med service och underhåll av våra fastigheter med fokus på styr- och reglerteknik.?
Vad vi erbjuder?
I rollen som drifttekniker hos oss kommer du att ingå i ett team på sju personer (elektriker och drifttekniker) som tillsammans utgör driftenheten inom Fastighet på Husqvarna. Vi är ett positivt team som värdesätter samarbete och god stämning på arbetsplatsen.?
Som avdelning befinner vi oss just nu i en spännande utvecklingsfas, där vi genomgår flera förändringar med målet att leverera de bästa möjliga ändamålsenliga lokalerna för våra kollegor ute i organisationen. I den här rollen finns det stora utvecklingsmöjligheter för dig som person, där dina ambitioner styr din framtid hos oss. Vi erbjuder ett varierande jobb med stora möjligheter att påverka dina arbetsdagar.
?Vad du kommer att göra?
I rollen som drifttekniker kommer du tillsammans med dina kollegor att arbeta med den dagliga driften av våra fastighetstekniska tjänster. Arbetet utförs såväl på egen hand som tillsammans med övriga kollegor i gruppen.?
Arbetsuppgifterna innefattar:?
Planering samt utförande av skötsel, reparationer, montage och installationer inom både fastigheter i kontors-, labb- och industrimiljö.?
Förebyggande underhåll och tillsyn.?
Löpande arbete med förbättringar och dokumentation.?

Du kommer att ha mycket kundkontakt i form av Husqvarnas olika verksamheter och du kommer att styra entreprenörer i mindre underhålls- och nybyggnadsprojekt.?
Vem du är?
Vi söker dig som är serviceinriktad och har kundens perspektiv i fokus. Du drivs av viljan att leverera bra lösningar och har en stark problemlösningsförmåga där din kreativitet kommer till stor användning. Du har ett genuint intresse för teknik och en ambition att ständigt utvecklas inom området.
Önskvärda meriter:?
Elbehörighet B?
Några års erfarenhet av arbete inom relevant område?
Erfarenhet inom styr- & reglerteknik?
Goda kunskaper i engelska, både tal och skrift?
Körkort B?
Erfarenhet av arbete som elektriker är meriterande?

Uppskattar du att arbeta praktiskt med frihet under ansvar? Tycker du om att träffa människor och ha en varierad arbetsdag? Då kan detta vara tjänsten för dig.
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök nu

AI Training and Adoption Coordinator

Utbildningsplanerare, företag
Läs mer Okt 18
Welcome to a whole new role at Husqvarna Group, where your passion for AI can truly make a difference. We’re shaping the future of innovation, and now - we want you to be a part of it. So, if you're excited to help others embrace AI, support teams in their learning journey, and make technology more accessible, this might be the perfect place for you.
As our AI Training and Adoption Coordinator, you will be at the heart of our AI transformation, being responsible for training, communication and adoption strategies. You’ll collaborate across departments, ensuring that our teams are equipped and confident in leveraging AI solutions. Your role will be central in building the bridge between innovative technology and everyday application.

What You’ll Do:
Lead the training, adoption, and communication efforts for AI tools and solutions across the organization.
Develop and deliver training programs to ensure effective utilization of AI tools by end-users.
Create and maintain comprehensive documentation and training / communication materials.
Create and maintain the roadmap / strategy of training materials, courses, and communication on AI tools and solutions in line with company guidelines, policies, strategy, and aligned with divisions and functions.
Collaborate with various departments to understand their training needs and customize training programs accordingly.
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs, providing feedback and recommendations for improvements.
Communicate the benefits and usage of AI tools to stakeholders through various channels.
Stay updated with the latest developments in AI technologies to ensure the organization remains at the forefront of innovation.
Be proactive in identification of training and upskilling opportunities for the employees in the area of AI.

Who You Are:
You are a natural team player who thrives on collaboration and building strong relationships. Self-driven and curious, you're excited by new technologies, especially AI, and bring an innovative approach to everything you do. In fast-paced and evolving environments, you remain adaptable and resilient, always seeking creative ways to foster engagement and adoption. With a proactive mindset and a passion for problem-solving, you’re continuously learning and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Your Qualifications:
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Education, Communication, Marketing (or related fields like HR, Change Management and similar) with 5+ years of experience in training and communication roles, ideally involving AI or machine learning technologies.
Proven experience leading training and communication initiatives in IT or AI environments, with strong presentation skills to engage a wide range of stakeholders.
Analytical mindset, using data to evaluate the impact of training programs and refine strategies for continuous improvement.
Solid project management experience, ensuring seamless delivery across teams and functions.
Certifications in training, communication, or change management are a plus.

Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered).??
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week (50%).

Your application:
Ready to be part of something big? Help us unlock the potential of AI across our organization and empower teams to succeed in a future organization, driven by innovation.
Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-11-03. We apply ongoing selection.?

If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –
About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Design Engineer - Mechatronics

Läs mer Okt 17
Are you looking for a professional environment in which you continuously can develop your own knowledge and skills? If so, you could be the right person for our team. We are now looking for a skilled Design Engineer within Mechatronics with a strong focus on project deliveries as well as cross-functional team and supplier interaction.
You are going to work in a highly motivated team at the Handheld R&D Power Systems division at Husqvarna Group in Huskvarna, Sweden. Power Systems is responsible for the development of the powertrain in both Battery and Petrol products. We develop next generation handheld products for forest industry and urban environments. You will have a key role in the development of our future products.
To thrive in this role, you are initiative, curious, driven and have a great interest in technical details. You should enjoy working alone as well as in a team. You have high ability to communicate and can easily make decisions. Furthermore you have integrity and courage and work towards an inclusive workplace.

Key tasks
• 3D and 2D design of Electromechanical Components
• Electromechanical concept design and support feasibility studies
• Manage change requests and interact with external suppliers
• Support “Squad” and Team deliveries, internal and external relations.

Job Requirements
• Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
• 3+ years of experience (academic or professional) in Mechatronics or Mechanical Design.
• Experience with Design tools such as Catia
• Ability to work together with colleagues and solve technical issues.
• Strong communication and presentation skills – both verbal and written.
• Fluent in English.

Preferred Qualifications:
• Interest in embedded systems and mechatronics.
• Experience in Development of high-volume products.
• Knowledge within Electromechanical components; Wiring and PCB.
• Experience in frequent contact with suppliers/customers.
• Experience in PLM system; SmarTeam.
• Experience in the design of light metal, machining and molding tools.

Contact –, 072-8551150
Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov.

Ansök nu

Elektronikingenjör till Husqvarna Group

Läs mer Sep 30
Är du en ingenjör och vill arbeta med nya innovativa tekniker och koncept i en roll där du får stor möjlighet att påverka framtidens robotgräsklippare? Då är detta ett jobb för dig!
Hos oss på utvecklingsavdelningen för Robotgräsklippare får du arbeta i en uppdaterad teknikmiljö, där vi ständigt strävar efter att använda oss av de bästa verktygen och senaste teknikerna. Vi är ett sammansvetsat team som bidrar med våra olika spetskompetenser för att ta utvecklingen framåt. Vi tror på att våra medarbetares unika kompetens är nyckeln till att vi når de framgångar vi gör, varför du ges stor frihet och möjlighet att få bidra med just dina tankar och idéer.

Om tjänsten
Du kommer arbeta med elektronik och elektromekanisk utveckling av inbyggda system där du levererar i hela kedjan från idé till produktion. Kravframtagning, design, test och dokumentation är en naturlig del av arbetet och kommer vara delaktig i flera nya spännande produktutvecklingsprojekt tillsammans med ditt team.
Arbetet innefattar konstruktion där du kommer att arbeta med elektronik och elektromekaniska system såsom kretskort, kraftenheter, kablage och schema. Du driftsätter prototyper, felsöker och gör modifieringar samt bidrar till att konstruktionen går att producera i volym hos våra underleverantörer och i våra egna produktionsfabriker.
Du kommer jobba med olika tekniker så som motorstyrning, sensorer, radiolösningar (Wifi, Bluetooth, GNSS, 4G), AI/kamera och allmän elektromekanik. Du kommer även få delta i EMC tester och certifierings provning.? ?

Om dig
Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av elektronik eller elektromekanik. Du är civil- eller högskoleingenjör med inriktning mot elektronik eller har motsvarande erfarenhet.
Det är meriterande med god kunskap eller intresse av robotik!
Som person är du prestigelös och trivs att arbeta i nära samarbete med resten av teamet. Du är kommunikativ och har lätt att kommunicera både på svenska och engelska.

Välkommen med din ansökan i form av CV och personligt brev!

För frågor kring rekryteringsprocessen kontakta Rekryterare Gorjana Dubovina på För specifikt info om tjänsten kontakta rekryterande chef Staffan Palm på

Om Husqvarna Group
Husqvarna Group är världsledande inom underhållsprodukter för skog, park och trädgård i över tre århundraden. Vi samarbetar för att driva innovation framåt med den senaste tekniken i mer än 100 länder. Från våra toppmoderna robotgräsklippare till kraftfulla trädgårdstraktorer, vi tillgodoser behoven hos både trädgårdsägare och professionella användare.
Vi är en arbetsgivare som förstår att våra olikheter är våra styrkor. Vi är modiga, hängivna och vi bryr oss. Vi hyllar mångfald och är engagerade i att skapa en inkluderande miljö för alla anställda och kandidater. Vi vet att vi tillsammans, som ett team, kan vi förverkliga de bästa idéerna!

Ansök nu

Product Owner in SAP S/4 Cloud to Husqvarna Group

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Okt 4
For almost 335 years, Husqvarna Group have shaped great experiences for those who care about the world around them. It's a legacy we treasure, but our journey has only just begun. With that said, welcome to one of the world’s oldest start-ups! With our passion for innovation, we create new solutions - to enhance urban and green spaces, used and loved by many.
With that said, welcome to one of the world’s oldest start-ups! With our passion for innovation, we create new solutions - to enhance urban and green spaces, used and loved by many.
Here, you will be a part of the Team responsible for the SAP S/4 Cloud Solution Operations, dedicated to various steady state operations functions. Together, we focus on maintaining solution stability, security, and performance after implementation, driving continuous improvement and operational excellence within our SAP Cloud Solution.

About the role:
Here, you’ll be at the forefront of technological advancements with SAP S/4 Cloud, where you'll be a part of a great journey, setting new industry standards. You'll have the opportunity to drive meaningful business transformation and optimize processes, making a real difference.
We’re seeking 4 experienced Product Owners, one for each functional track within our new SAP S/4 Cloud Solution;
Record to Report
Plan to Manufacture
Procure to Pay
Order to Cash & After Sales

The Product Owner acts as a pivotal liaison among Business Units, System Integrators, and IT, ensuring seamless integration and alignment of business processes with SAP S/4 Cloud capabilities. This role demands a proactive and knowledgeable individual who will drive the solution topics within their respective track.

Your responsibilities:
Define and maintain the product vision and roadmap for the assigned functional track.
Act as the primary point of contact between internal stakeholders, system integrators, and the IT department.
Guide and collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the SAP S/4 Cloud Solution meets business requirements.
Prioritize product backlog items and coordinate with technical teams to deliver high-quality solutions.
Monitor project progress, anticipate potential challenges, and adjust plans as necessary to meet objectives.
Facilitate training and change management activities to ensure smooth adoption of new processes.
Provide expert guidance on SAP S/4 Cloud capabilities and best practices within the specified track.

About you:
You have a minimum of 10 years in ERP system implementation, with at least 3-5 years as a Product Owner or in a leadership role managing SAP solutions. A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Information Systems, or a related field is required, with a Master’s degree being advantageous. Also got a SAP S/4 Cloud certification or relevant training? That’s a plus!
You should have a deep understanding of your specific functional track, whether it's Record to Report, Plan to Manufacture, Procure to Pay, or Order to Cash & After Sales. Strong leadership skills and the ability to manage multiple stakeholders and complex project timelines are essential. Excellent communication, negotiation and presentation skills are also required, along with proficiency in Agile methodologies.

Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered).?
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We like to meet in the office at least 2 days a week.

Your application:
Join us and be a part of shaping the future of business processes with SAP S/4 Cloud! Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-10-25. We apply ongoing selection.
If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner: Matilda Nordén –

About Husqvarna Group: ?
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

Ansök nu

Senior Data Engineer till Husqvarna Robotics

Läs mer Sep 24
Föreställ dig en värld där gräsmattor klipps autonomt av en flotta av robotar som kommunicerar med varandra, och där deras gemensamma data bidrar till att ständigt förbättra prestanda och effektivitet. Detta är inte science fiction – det är verkligheten idag hos Husqvarna Robotics. Med hundra tusentals uppkopplade Automowers som dagligen klipper och vårdar våra kunders gräsmattor, står vi inför en enorm möjlighet att använda denna data för att driva innovation och utveckling.
Till Husqvarna Robotics, och det spännande arbete som ligger framför oss, söker vi nu en Senior Data Engineer. Du kommer tillsammans med teamet att designa och implementera den infrastruktur som demokratiserar och tillgängliggör datan våra robotar samlar in till våra utvecklare. Utifrån detta tar vi tillsammans fram insikter som leder till än mer smarta produkter och högre kvalité för våra kunder. Med den mängd data som samlas in finns stora möjligheter att påverka och växa som Data Engineer både i infrastruktur och tillämpningar. Det finns även många möjligheter till tillämpning av AI samt strukturer kring detta. Vi trivs när vi får träffas, både inom teamet och tvärfunktionellt, runt våra Automowers. På vårt kontor i Huskvarna ses vi gärna och träffas på plats 4-5 dagar i veckan.
”Det bästa med att jobba här är tycker jag är arbetsmiljön. Att alla får säga sina åsikter och ge sin input och att folk faktiskt lyssnar, att det är en avslappnad stämning där vi hjälps åt att lösa problemen genom diskussioner. Om man har för mycket att göra så är det helt okej att säga till så ses resurserna över, mycket av samarbetet sker över teamgränser och man har förmågan att styra ganska fritt över sin arbetstid.” Så beskriver Erica Svensson, Software Design Engineer, sin syn på teamet och arbetet.
Är du en driven teknisk expert med en passion för innovation? Har du arbetat som Data Engineer inom en industriell kontext? Vi vill gärna träffa dig och dela vår spännande resa. Vi söker en person som inte bara har den tekniska kompetensen utan också en stark vilja att utforska nya möjligheter och dela med sig av sin kunskap. Vi ser att du har arbetat i roller som Analytics Engineer, Data Analyst eller Data Engineer samt har en relevant universitetsutbildning. Kom och se hur din nyfikenhet och expertis kan bidra i vår innovativa miljö!
”Inom Husqvarna Robotics är vi idag ca 150 mjukvaruutvecklare. Som Senior Data Engineer har du möjligheterna att direktkoppla utvecklarna med det data som produkterna generarar hos kund och dessutom vara en del av processen när vi löser de problem som är viktiga på riktigt och skapar de värden kunderna verkligen vill ha” säger Björn Mannefred, som är chef över Software Engineering på Husqvarna Robotics.
Vi söker efter dig som tycker att ovanstående låter allt för intressant för att inte ta chansen, efter dig som kan komma till oss och bidra med din erfarenhet, efter dig som är nyfiken på AI och efter dig som vill vara med och driva utvecklingen av våra robotar.
Välkommen till en spännande framtid hos oss på Husqvarna Group, där innovation står i centrum. Här finns en stark entreprenörsanda som driver oss att ständigt utforska, experimentera och tänja på gränserna inom vår bransch. Hos oss kommer du att arbeta med fantastiska kollegor som delar din passion för att bryta ny mark och skapa oförglömliga upplevelser för våra kunder. Samtidigt har vi ett starkt engagemang för miljön – att utveckla innovativa lösningar som gör en positiv skillnad för vår planet är en av våra högsta prioriteringar.
Följ med oss på denna inspirerande resa – och var med och forma framtiden med hjälp av banbrytande teknologi.
Kan du tänka dig att vara en del av detta? Om så är fallet, skicka oss din ansökan!
För frågor om rollen, kontakta gärna rekryterande chef Eric Hårsmar och för frågor om processen, vänligen kontakta rekryterare: Kristin Sundlo
Vad händer efter att du har sökt?
Vi går igenom ansökningarna löpande. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester samt referenstagning. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten. ?
Om Husqvarna
Husqvarna Group är en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel. Vårt sortiment?omfattar bland annat motorsågar, trimmers, robotgräsklippare och åkgräsklippare. Koncernen är även ledande i Europa inom trädgårdsbevattning och världsledande inom kaputrustning och diamantverktyg för byggnads- och stenindustrin. Läs mer om oss här:

Ansök nu

Senior Data Scientist till Husqvarna Robotics

Läs mer Sep 24
Föreställ dig en värld där gräsmattor klipps autonomt av en flotta av robotar som kommunicerar med varandra, och där deras gemensamma data bidrar till att ständigt förbättra prestanda och effektivitet. Detta är inte science fiction – det är verkligheten idag hos Husqvarna Robotics. Med (x antal) uppkopplade Automowers som dagligen klipper och vårdar våra kunders gräsmattor, står vi inför en enorm möjlighet att använda denna data för att driva innovation och utveckling.
Till Husqvarna Robotics, och det spännande arbete som ligger framför oss, söker vi nu en Senior Data Scientist. En roll där du kommer att utveckla och implementera analyser och modeller, baserade på den data som samlas in av våra robotar. Genom nära samarbete med våra Data Engineers kommer du att förvandla rådata till praktiska och skalbara lösningar. Du kommer även att arbeta med att titta på AI-lösningar, tillsammans med teamet på Robotics.
”Inom Husqvarna Robotics är vi idag ca 150 mjukvaruutvecklare. Som Data Scientist blir man blir en central del i Robotics mjukvaruplattform i de här otroligt centrala delarna framåt, och är med och skapar förutsättningar för sina kollegor att utveckla våra marknadsledande Automowers.” säger Björn Mannefred, som är chef över Software Engineering på Husqvarna Robotics.
Som Data Scientist (i team Doctor Strange, japp bara det får en att vilja söka) så kommer du arbeta med projekt för att skapa praktiska, skalbara miljöer. Här känner du dig hemma inom dataanalys och utveckling av AI-modeller och trivs med att driva teknologins gränser framåt. Vi trivs när vi får träffas, både inom teamet och tvärfunktionellt, runt våra Automowers. På vårt kontor i Huskvarna ses vi gärna och träffas på plats 4-5 dagar i veckan.
"En av de aspekter jag uppskattar mest med rollen som Data Scientist i Team Dr Strange är den variation som domänen medför. Att få jobba med data och analyser av olika slag, allt från hantering av geodata och kartor till data för nätverk, batterianvändning och klipparbeteende. Den supportroll som teamet har när det kommer till avdelningens data innebär att man får lära sig mycket om robotens olika delar. Att se sin robots aktivitet ute på gräsmattan förvandlas till datapunkter gör att man kommer nära datan på ett sätt man inte alltid gör i dataanalys.” Så beskriver Albin Söderberg sin roll i teamet.
Vi söker efter dig som tycker att ovanstående låter allt för intressant för att inte ta chansen, efter dig som kan komma till oss och bidra med din erfarenhet, efter dig som är nyfiken på AI och efter dig som vill vara med och driva utvecklingen av våra robotar.
Välkommen till en spännande framtid hos oss på Husqvarna Group, där innovation står i centrum. Här finns en stark entreprenörsanda som driver oss att ständigt utforska, experimentera och tänja på gränserna inom vår bransch. Hos oss kommer du att arbeta med fantastiska kollegor som delar din passion för att bryta ny mark och skapa oförglömliga upplevelser för våra kunder. Samtidigt har vi ett starkt engagemang för miljön – att utveckla innovativa lösningar som gör en positiv skillnad för vår planet är en av våra högsta prioriteringar.
Följ med oss på denna inspirerande resa – och var med och forma framtiden med hjälp av banbrytande teknologi.
Kan du tänka dig att vara en del av detta? Om så är fallet, skicka oss din ansökan!
För frågor om rollen, kontakta gärna rekryterande chef Erik Hårsmar och för frågor om processen, vänligen kontakta rekryterare: Kristin Sundlo
Vad händer efter att du har sökt?
Vi går igenom ansökningarna löpande. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester samt referenstagning. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten.
Om Husqvarna
Husqvarna Group är en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel. Vårt sortiment?omfattar bland annat motorsågar, trimmers, robotgräsklippare och åkgräsklippare. Koncernen är även ledande i Europa inom trädgårdsbevattning och världsledande inom kaputrustning och diamantverktyg för byggnads- och stenindustrin. Läs mer om oss här:

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Experienced in demand planning? Contribute to supply chain at Husqvarna!

Produktionsplanerare, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Sep 23
Are you passionate about supply chain, people, and optimizing processes? Join us in transforming our Supply Chain Planning at Husqvarna Group as a Global Process Lead, focusing on Demand Planning.
About the role:
As our Global Process Lead, you will play a key role in enhancing the capabilities of the Logility supply chain planning tool at Husqvarna Group. You will collaborate closely with global stakeholders to drive improvements in our supply chain processes that contribute to our organization’s overall success.
Success in this role requires a deep understanding of best practices in supply chain planning, strong analytical and statistical skills, attention to detail and effective communication.
Key Responsibilities
Global Template Ownership?
Ownership of the existing global design decisions and roadmap
Support and monitor process and solution adoption

Enhanced Tactical Planning Capabilities
Drive continuous improvement through close collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, including assisting the Divisions (Forest & Garden, Gardena, and Construction) in the gathering of requirements and alignment of design changes
Based on a solid understanding of solution capabilities, drive enhancements through design and configuration changes
Act as Subject Matter Expert in implementation projects, providing valuable insights and guidance to ensure successful outcomes and the integrity of the global template
Stay up to date on industry trends and emerging technologies to recommend innovative solutions and actively participate in the creation of Tactical Planning Roadmaps

Competence Development
Support Divisions with competence development and mentoring of super users, including contributing to the creation of training material
Provide process and solution expertise to Divisions and lead the best practice agenda

Quality & Delivery
Troubleshoot software issues and interact with relevant resolver groups to determine a viable path of action and resolution
Provide support to users in day-to-day operations
Support solution upgrades with regular intervals to minimize technical debts

About the team and department:
You will be part of the Logility Excellence Center (LEX), a team of six experts responsible for Logility at Husqvarna Group. Our team combines business process and technical knowledge to support, maintain, and improve Logility Voyager for our three divisions.
In this role, you will also be a part of Husqvarna Groups IT department, Global Information Services (GIS). Our IT department is a worldwide and diverse team of over 200 colleagues that support all divisions within Husqvarna Group.

About you:
We are looking for a person who is equipped with a university degree (BSc/MSc) in supply chain management or a related field, along with a robust 5-year track record in supply chain management or planning. Additional experience with forecasting and relevant forecasting methods is a plus!
As a person, you are service-oriented and have a structured and analytical mindset. You are used to taking initiative and being ambitious in delivering high quality work on time. Husqvarna Group is a company that develops at a fast pace, so being flexible to meet our customer demands comes naturally to you. Proficiency in English is necessary, while fluency in Swedish is a bonus.
Experience in Office 365 and advanced Excel skills are required. Power-BI skills are preferable. Ideally, you also have experience in ERP and planning systems such as SAP, Logility or APO.

This position is based in Sweden, preferably Huskvarna but our other hubs (Jonsered or Stockholm) can also be considered for the right candidate. Husqvarna Group offers a hybrid work model, but we also like to meet each other in the office 2-3 times a week (50%).

Your application:
Join us and be part of shaping the future of Supply Chain Planning at Husqvarna Group.
We apply ongoing selection and do not accept applications via mail, due to GDPR. The last day to apply is 2024-10-20.
For more information, contact Global Talent Acquisition Partner; Matilda Nordén at

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Solution Architect

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Sep 5
Welcome to Husqvarna Group. Our charm lies in being that small company - that has successfully grown big (but still, with that start-up feeling). Because, we're not just a workplace; we're a creative culture that embraces trying new things - and really enjoys the excitement of making them happen.
And now, we want you to be a part of it. Join us on a new journey - as we pioneer a brand new, global role as a Solution Architect in Telephony.
Here, you'll be at the forefront of innovation, part of a dynamic and dedicated team where collaboration thrives, and every day brings new opportunities to make a difference within Husqvarna Group.

About the role:
We're seeking a dedicated Solution Architect to work on a global scale, leading the charge in transforming our customers' telephony experience within the Microsoft Teams platform. In this key role, you'll be contributory in shaping tailored telephony solutions that seamlessly integrate with Teams, enabling businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Your Responsibilities:
As the primary link for our customers, you'll lead telephony implementations within Microsoft Teams. Your role involves actively collaborating with clients to understand their needs, current infrastructure, and telephony challenges. Drawing from customer interactions, you'll design customized telephony architectures that seamlessly integrate with Teams, leveraging various VoIP technologies and network infrastructures. Once the solution is designed, you'll oversee its implementation to ensure efficient and reliable telephony integration.
Additionally, you'll continuously optimize the solution - to enhance performance and user experience.
Your expertise will be instrumental in providing technical support and guidance to both internal teams and customers throughout the project lifecycle. This may include troubleshooting technical issues, offering best practice advice, and conducting training sessions for users and administrators.

About you:
Comprehensive knowledge of the Microsoft Teams platform and its telephony integrations.
Experience in designing and implementing telephony architectures.
Strong understanding of VoIP technologies and cloud-based communication solutions.
You speak both Swedish and English (additional language skills considered a plus).
Having relevant Microsoft Communication/Telephony certifications is a big plus!
Experience from classic PBX telephony solutions is considered a merit.

You understand the importance of communication, bridging technical language to diverse audiences. Your talent for problem-solving and analytical prowess drives you forward, turning challenges into opportunities.

Preferred locations for this position are in Sweden (Huskvarna, Jonsered or Stockholm). But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remote. We meet in the office 2-3 days a week.

Your application:
So, are you ready to make a substantial impact, enhancing how we connect and operate globally? If so, apply as soon as possible, but no later than 2024-08-18. We apply ongoing selection.

About Husqvarna Group:
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Solution Architect - Digital Commerce (Evergreen)

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Sep 5
Welcome to one of the world’s oldest start-ups!
We really have that passion for innovation - and with it, we create new solutions to enhance urban and green spaces, used and loved by many. By continuously challenging ourselves, we have kept innovating and re-inventing our business, for more than three centuries (335 years, to be more exact).
This is our heritage. And our future. And now - we really want you to be a part of it.
About this opportunity:
Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey as a Solution Architect? We are seeking a new colleague that have a passion for creating impactful solutions, connecting global teams and navigating the digital commerce landscape.
Joining our team opens doors to a variety of advantages. As a part of our global team, you'll be immersed in diverse projects that span continents, contributing your expertise to an international stage.
Here, you can focus on the intricacies of architecture, without being overwhelmed by extensive developmental responsibilities, allowing you to carve a distinct career path. Being at the forefront of the digital commerce domain, Husqvarna thrives on exciting and challenging projects. Join us to engage in innovative initiatives that redefine the landscape of digital commerce.
Key Responsibilities:
As a Solution Architect, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our digital ecosystem. Your responsibilities will include:
Demonstrate proficiency in JAVA development, with the ability to set up Java applications and determine necessary APIs. Your role involves hands-on engagement, ensuring seamless connections between applications.
Be the go-to person for answering questions and participating in architectural forums. Develop and enforce policies, ensuring adherence to established standards. Write and verify Requirements spec, ensuring alignment with specified requirements.
Act as the central figure connecting various teams, assisting in addressing demands from the business. Be the spider in the web, facilitating communication between different departments and aiding in problem resolution.

About you:
We think that you’ll have a few years of experience in a similar role, with at least 5 years in the field. You navigate through complex architectures with ease, bringing order to disorder. Also, you can handle diverse challenges, from AI integration to developing web applications and effectively administer and manage day-to-day tasks, bringing structure to the solution development process.
You have experience working with:
Rest API
Azure DevOps
Data logic
Database design

It’s a plus if you also have:
An understanding of Purchasing Processes: Familiarity with transactional processes involving end customers, CMS tools, and business system integrations.
Experience with Sitecore and Salesforce: Prior knowledge of these platforms will be advantageous.

Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden (Huskvarna or Gothenburg).
But, with our hybrid working environment, you'll have the flexibility to work both onsite and remotely, promoting work-life balance for all team members. We like to meet in the office at least 2 days a week.
How to Apply:
Apply as soon as possible but no later than 2024-08-25. We apply ongoing selection.
At Husqvarna we strive to have a work environment that is inclusive and diverse, where we believe that our differences are our strengths. Our winning culture is important to us, which is why we go by the beliefs: We are Bold, We are Dedicated and We Care.

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Lead Engineer – Husqvarna Group

Läs mer Sep 18
Om oss?
Inom Pro Robotics R&D, har vi ambition att leverera högkvalitativa och innovativa produkter och lösningar inom proffssegment av robotklippare. Det är en utveckling som vi idag i allra högsta grad driver och där vi kommer att fortsätta att göra stora satsningar inom. Allt för att förbättra upplevelsen för våra kunder!
Vi är ca 85 medarbetare och utvecklar allt från mekanik, elektronik, inbyggd mjukvara till digitala lösningar. Du kommer att arbeta med kollegor som alla brinner för tekniken och arbetet med att skapa produkter som överträffar våra kunders förväntningar.?Vidare kommer du dessutom att verka i en global kontext med många kontaktytor inom ett bolag som erbjuder stora möjligheter till personlig utveckling.
Vi behöver stärka Pro Robotic R&D:s mekanikteam med en Lead Engineer (teknisk projektledning mekanik). Mekanikteamet består idag av 15 medarbetare med kompetenser inom konstruktion, teknisk projektledning och geometrisäkring

Leda och driva mekanikdelen i nyutvecklingsprojekt
Säkerställa teknikval för att uppfylla produktspecifikationen
Ansvara för tidplaner och uppföljning
Vara delaktig i kravställning
Kommunicera med intressenter
Koordinera aktiviteter inom mekanikteamet
Supporta mekanikteamet

Vem du är
Civil- eller högskoleingenjör med inriktning mot maskinteknik.
Erfarenhet av teknisk projekt- eller konstruktionsledning.?
Minst 5 års erfarenhet av produktutveckling
Ett brinnande intresse för teknik och ett engagemang att sätta sig in i ny teknologi.
Erfarenhet av konstruktionsarbete i ett 3D Cad-system, gärna Catia V5.

Kunskap inom mekatronik eller elektronik
Utveckling av konsumentprodukter och även erfarenhet inom plastkonstruktion är önskvärt.

Arbetet drivs i ett nära samarbete med olika funktioner och leverantörer. Därför är det viktigt att du är en öppen person med god kommunikationsförmåga. Du har även ett strukturerat arbetssätt och god samarbetsförmåga.

Välkommen med din ansökan i form av CV och Personligt brev.

För frågor om rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta rekryterare: ?
Gorjana Dubovina,
eller rekryterande chef: Martin Elonsson,

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Business minded Enterprise Architect in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Sep 5
Business minded Enterprise Architect in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Imagine leading the charge in redefining IT architecture for Manufacturing & Supply Chain at Husqvarna Group. With 40 factories worldwide, each with varying levels of automation, your mission will be to help our factories in their digitalization journey. You’ll design solutions that blend technology with the intricacies of our supply chain, ensuring our products' journey from conception to consumer is efficient - and transparent.
About the team:
Global Information Services (GIS) is a heart of Husqvarna Group digital service delivery. Our role is to maintain? and pro-actively deliver digital solutions to all business units across the globe. We are working with optimizing business processes, innovation and exploitation of technology and business opportunities, services and support.
The Enterprise Architecture team within GIS works with documentation and design of business process, information, data, application and technology architecture layers, helping realizing enterprise and IT strategies through reliable & secure digital landscape.

About the role:
In an era where e-commerce reshapes consumer behavior, the need for traceability and visibility in our supply chain is vital. This is where you’ll come in, since you’ll create IT solutions that allow customers to trace our products from start, through production and to delivery. You will secure the definition of the To-Be IT-landscape, and to make sure that the landscape is simultaneous during transformation.
Here, you’ll work closely with the business and have a great opportunity to influence. Your role is central in transforming our supply chain and manufacturing processes. By enhancing traceability, visibility, and connectivity, you will drive our transition to Industry 4.0.
You’ll also be responsible for establishing standards for machine connectivity for our factories, and concepts of digital twin across the group. You'll shape a roadmap, gather stakeholders and fostering collaboration, to ensure an unified approach across all sites.
And, maybe the most important part. We are a great, global team, with a fantastic atmosphere. We also have a newly renovated office - that helps creating that atmosphere.

Your skills and experiences:
You have a strong business background from manufacturing/supply chain - and an understanding of how IT works in supply chain flows.
Architectural background and knowledge about working with Enterprise architecture
Your management skills and experience in handling large-scale projects will help you tackle exciting challenges, such as creating digital footprints and developing digital twins.
You understand how traceability connects with digital twins and have experience integrating these technologies with ERP and PLM systems.
You have great verbal and written skills in English. Swedish is an advantage.

We would be extra happy if you also are familiar with Industry 4.0 principles, including connecting and collecting data to create digital twins, Supply Chain Control Towers, and MES systems. In this role, you will be part of a leadership team - experience from working in that context is an advantage.

About you:
Your personal drive will be important in this role. Whether networking or bringing order to complexity, you thrive in navigating challenges.
Collaboration and communication are our cornerstones, and you'll join a team that thrives on shared success. Therefore, we hope that you share this values. Your great ability to engage with stakeholders at all levels, coupled with your dynamic communication skills is crucial - as you'll play a role in one of our IT management team.
Your ability to learn and innovate is what truly will set you apart. We champion a culture of learning, so there’s plenty of room for you to grow and develop your competencies.

Preferred locations for this position is in Sweden (Huskvarna, Stockholm or Jonsered). We have a hybrid way of working, but we like to meet in the office at least 2-3 days a week.

Your application:
Can you envision yourself being a part of this? If so, send us your application! Last day to apply is 2024-09-15.

For questions about this recruitment please contact Matilda Nordén

What happens after you apply?
As we now approach the holiday season, our recruitment process will be adjusted accordingly. We will read applications on an ongoing basis, but we will start inviting candidates for interviews in August.
At Husqvarna, we value balance between work and private life. We thank you who apply to us for your understanding and take the opportunity to wish you a really nice summer!

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Technical Expert - Fuels and Lubricants

Produktionsingenjör, kemi
Läs mer Sep 12
At Husqvarna Research & Development for professional handheld products we follow our vision and want to advance the Forestry and Green industry towards a fossil independent future. We develop both our Internal Combustion Engines for alternative fuels and work with electrification. It's all about making our contribution to an even more sustainable development and society. We enjoy the challenge of getting better every day. We enjoy developing even more environmentally friendly and customer focused products in the future. Do you want to join us on this journey?

We are currently looking for a Technical Expert specializing in Fuels and Lubricants to join our Advanced Development team within the Handheld Eco-System division at Husqvarna Forest & Garden. In this role, you will be doing research and development efforts in the pursuit of our goal to achieve sustainability and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Key Responsibilities:
Initiate R&D Projects: Lead new R&D ventures related to Husqvarna’s lubricants and fuels, ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitating the transition towards a sustainable future.
Supplier Collaboration: Engage in technical dialogues with suppliers within Husqvarna’s existing portfolio but also for future sustainable fuels.
Product Maintenance: Take charge of maintaining our current range of lubricants and fuels.
Collaboration: Foster seamless collaboration with sourcing and product management units to achieve shared objectives.
Networking: Build strong internal and external networks, including active engagement with our R&D Power System team.

Following will also be a part of this role:
Compliance Oversight: Manage compliance documentation and address emerging compliance issues.
Quality Assurance: Participate in resolving quality-related hurdles.
Cross-Functional Assistance: Extend support to other R&D projects at Husqvarna, especially those concerning oil and lubrication.
Technical Documentation: Develop and maintain technical documentation.

Educational Background: Master’s degree in a relevant engineering field (such as chemistry, mechanical engineering, or equivalent).
Professional Experience: It is meritorious if you have hands-on experience in the development of fuels and lubricants.
Project Experience: it is meritorious if you have experience from leading projects and being capable of steering projects to successful outcomes within predetermined timeframes.
Effective Communication: Communicate technical findings adeptly to both internal and external stakeholders.
Language Proficiency: Fluent in English, with proficiency in both written and spoken forms.

We are looking for you that recognize yourself with this personal skills description:
Motivation and Determination: Display high levels of energy, drive, and a focus on achieving results.
Analytical Approach: Employ a structured and analytical approach, enabling independent work and effective collaboration within teams.
Technical Insight: Possess a deep understanding of your discipline, coupled with a readiness to both share knowledge and continually expand your expertise.

At Advanced Development, we are a dynamic team motivated by the use of cutting-edge technology to craft innovative, premium-grade products that enhance the daily experiences of our end-users. Our inclusive and creative environment nurtures individual growth, fosters collaboration, and makes work enjoyable.
Location: Huskvarna, with weekly office attendance.
Your Application: Does this opportunity resonate with what you’ve been seeking? Join our team and play a pivotal role in driving us toward a sustainable future! Don’t hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Please note that we do not accept applications via email due to GDPR regulations.
For more information about the position, please contact Hiring Manager Johan Landén at . If you have any questions regarding the recruitment process, feel free to reach out to Talent Acquisition Partner Kristin Sundlo at .

What Happens After You Apply?
In this process, we continuously evaluate applications. If we believe you are a potential candidate for the role, you will be invited for an initial interview. If you are not selected to proceed further, you will be informed of this at the latest when the position has been filled.
About Husqvarna Group
Husqvarna Group is the world’s largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold via dealers and retailers to both consumers and professional users in more than 100 countries. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange.

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Underhållselektriker Chain & Bars

Läs mer Sep 9
Om rollen
Till underhållsavdelningen på Husqvarnas Chain & Bars fabrik söker vi nu en ny underhållselektriker med flerårig erfarenher från arbetsområdet. Tjänsten som underhållselektriker är väldigt varierande och du jobbar med förebyggande och avhjälpande underhåll till samtliga produktionsavdelningar i fabriken. Chain & Bars fabriken är en modern, nyutvecklad och högautomatiserad fabrik som har specialbyggda maskiner anpassade till vår verksamhet.
I dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter ingår att åtgärda akuta problem, felsökning och att ständigt jobba med maskinoptimering och förbättring av processerna. El och automations frågorna är ditt ansvarsområde men jobbet innefattar även mycket mekanik vilket innebär att tjänsten blir omväxlande. Utöver detta innefattar tjänsten att se till att god ordning råder inom arbetsområdet för att förebygga olycksfall/ohälsa samt att skapa trivsel och gott arbetsklimat. Det är viktigt att allt underhåll som sker rapporteras. ?Underhållsteamet är idag en grupp på 16 personer där samarbete inom teamet sker på daglig basis.

Om dig
Vi söker dig seniora underhållselektriker med utbildning inom el/automation samt flerårig erfarenhet från arbetsområdet. Du bör även ha kunskap inom verkstadsteknik, maskinreparationer och förebyggande underhåll.
Som person behöver du vara nyfiken och ha ett eget driv då det hela tiden sker förändringar och utveckling inom området. Du trivs i rollen som serviceperson mot produktionen och vi ser att du är en lagspelare som innehar en god samarbetsförmåga. Noggrannhet och struktur är viktigt samt att du är lösningsorienterad och analytisk. Svenska är ett krav för tjänsten samt goda kunskaper i engelska. Tidigare erfarenhet av underhållsystemet Maximo är ett plus. ?

Placeringsort: Huskvarna, arbetstiden är dagtid men skift kan förekomma.

Din ansökan
Välkommen med din ansökan i form av CV och personligt brev!
För frågor kring rekryteringsprocessen kontakta Talent Acquisition Partner Josephine Tjernlund
För specifikt info om tjänsten kontakta
Hiring Manager Linda Melvold
Av hänsyn till rådande semestertider kan svar dröja. Återkoppling och intervjuer förväntas börja i augusti. Tack för visad hänsyn och glad sommar!

Vad händer efter din ansökan??
I denna process använder vi oss av löpande urval vilket innebär att vi fortlöpande går igenom din ansökan för att se hur väl din profil matchar kraven för tjänsten. Ser vi dig som en av våra potentiella kandidater kommer vi att kontakta dig för en intervju. I samband med detta får du information om upplägget för intervjun samt övriga steg i processen såsom ytterligare intervjuer, tester, referenstagning och introduktion. Om du inte går vidare i processen blir du informerad om detta senast när vi har tillsatt tjänsten. ?

Husqvarna Group är en världsledande tillverkare av innovativa produkter och lösningar för skogs-, park- och trädgårdsskötsel.
Vårt sortiment?omfattar bland annat motorsågar, trimmers, robotgräsklippare och åkgräsklippare. Koncernen är även ledande i Europa inom trädgårdsbevattning och världsledande inom kaputrustning och diamantverktyg för byggnads- och stenindustrin.

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